Pizzas, Pineapples, and Pining

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"I want food."

"Niall you always want food," Harry rolled his eyes. They had finished their movie and were now binge watching B99. Louis was laying acrorss the sofa, his legs on Harry's lap. Liam was in the arm chair and Zayn and Niall sat on the other side of Harry.

"We could order a pizza," Louis suggested. When everyone nodded in agreement he got up, much to the disappointment of Harry. Louis rolled his eyes, "My warmth will be back Hazza, stop pouting."

"I want a cheese pizza," Both Zayn and Liam said.

"And I'll have a veggie one," Niall chimes in after.

"Ok I'll just go order these and be back boys," Louis left the room, and Zayn, Niall, and Liam all turned to Harry.

"Do you not want pizza?" Niall asked, horrified at the thought.

"I do Niall. Louis is ordering the pizza right now and it'll probably be here in 15 minutes." Harry responded, eyes still glued to the screen.

Just then, Louis walked back into the room with the phone in his hand. "Ok boys, pizzas are ordered and we are all set."

They all settled back into their previous places and waited for their sustenance to arrive. A bell rang and Liam went to get the pizzas.

"Hey Lou? What ever happened to that plant I gave you?" Harry asked, while Liam payed for the pizzas.

"Oh, uh, it died. I may have killed it." Louis responded, but at Harry's sad look he backtracked. "Not on purpose. It just kinda slowly," he looked down, "died."

"You killed Alfred?" Harry looked at him. "For this, you must PAY!" Harry launched himself on top Louis and started to tickle him.

"AH HARRY! IM SORRY I KILLED ALFRED," Louis kept laughing, out of breath, "PLEASE, HAVE MERCY!"

"Guys, I have the pizza," Liam walked in. "We have two pineapples, two cheese, and a veggie.

"Wait who ordered the pineapple?"

Louis raised his hand. "Me and Harry need food too you know."

Harry grabbed a slice and started munching on it, legs still tangled up with Louis'.

"How do you still remember his pizza order Tommo?" Liam questioned, amazed that the same boy who forgot his underpants, could remember this.

"Because he's whipped for Harry," Niall mumbled around his pizza.

"What? Niall we can't understand you," Zayn said, making a 'stop' gesture from behind Liam.

Louis and Harry shot Niall and Zayn a confused look before returning back to their food and fonding, I mean, talking.

They finished their food, occasionally cracking jokes, and learning about each other's lives. For example, Louis had gotten a tattoo of penguin in his arse.

"Harry, you did not dye your hair blue for Halloween." Louis looked straight at Harry.

Harry laughed, "Yeah I did, although it wasn't one of my best moments."

"OH MY GOD, do you guys remember when Harry ad Louis went as Romeo and Juliet, and Harry just pretended to die every time they went to a new house?" Liam recollected.

"Oh god, that was something," Louis looked down embarrassed.

"I made a damn good Juliet though," Harry commented.

"Yeah you did."

Louis and Harry looked at each other,eyes meeting each other in pure happiness.

The stare lingered a bit too long to not have been longing. The rest of the night went by in bliss, and Harry and Louis fell asleep on the couch, almost cuddling each other.

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