"I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending"

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AN: There is a character having a sort of panic attack so if you would like to skip that part I put markings. 




"HARRY," Henry yelled when he saw Harry walk in. Turning to see Louis he continued, "AND LOUIS!" 

"Hey Henry," Harry greeted. Louis waved and went to go get a drink.

"Oh uh Harry," Henry called Harry when we went to follow Louis. "Walmart Henrie's here."

Harry felt dread fill him. He had to find Louis. He frantically looked around, not seeing the familiar brown hair, or blue eyes anywhere. 

"Hey," Louis grabbed Harry's arm. He had turned around to see Harry looking around frantically and hurried over to calm him.

"Oh thank god you're here," Harry sighed in relief.

"Everything alright?" 

Harry shook his head, "Henrie's here." Harry swallowed before continuing, "Your ex, Henrie."

Trigger Warning: Panic Attack

Louis froze, his hand dropping from Harry's arm. He knew he would have to face him one day, but not so soon. He felt his breathing start to get erratic. With every breath he took, the harder the next one was. 

[end trigger warning]


Louis was jerked out of thoughts to feel Harry's arms around him. He slowed down his breathing to match Harry's.

"I'm good," he assured Harry, who didn't seem to believe what he was saying. But then again, neither did Louis.

Harry guided Louis over to the couch, and they remained there for a while, people bustling past, drinks being thrown on the floor, and worst of all, Henrie walking around.

"Louis?" Henrie's awful voice pierced the calm that Louis had built up. "I never thought I'd see you at a party again. You know," he waved a finger. around, "especially after what happened last time."

Harry had just enough of this and stood in between Louis and Henrie, "And just what do you mean by that?"

Henrie smirked, looking from Louis back to Harry, "Oh nothing." He left and Harry sat back down, stomach filled with dread. He turned to see Louis looking at him with a haunted look in his eyes. A look Harry wished he never had to see ever again.

Louis heard Harry raise his voice, and in hearing Henrie's voice mixed in it, he was thrown back to the past.

"Harry, don't get mad," Louis' voice came out softer than usual. He was shaking, and Harry could see the tear tracks. "Don't say anything, please."

"I won't say anything Lou." Harry somehow managed to guide Louis into one of Henry's guest bedrooms without being seen. "Deep breaths love." As soon as they entered Louis laid down on Harry's lap. Harry just watched as Louis fell into a restless sleep.

"Henrie, please. I'm sorry," Louis pleaded, grabbing Harry's arm from where he was laying. Harry hesitated for a second. Why was Louis having nightmares about Henrie? But before he could think too much about it, Louis whispered something into Harry's thigh before falling asleep again.

"I just want to be loved."

Harry felt tears start to drip down his face and onto the white blanket he was sitting on. Creating breaks in the striped pattern, as Louis' words had created breaks in his heart. He felt his sadness turn into anger, and all he wanted to do was pound Henrie into the ground. But Louis was sleeping on him, and he had to choose between to murdering Henrie, and being there for Louis. And he knew damn well what he would choose each and every time.

"I'm sorry Lou," Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair.. "For not being there. For not being able to protect you." He took a breath, "But I'll protect you from now on." He stopped talking to listen to Louis' breathing before continuing. "And you'll always be loved by me. Never a doubt in the world whether I do or not." 

Louis snuggled closer on Harry's thigh, "Love you too." His voice came out sleep-ridden, and muffled, but Harry knew he had heard what Harry had said before. Harry smiled and put an arm around Louis, cherishing the pure moment between them.

"HARRY!" Louis rolled off the bed, and Harry came rushing in at Louis' yell.

"I'm here. What happened? Wait," Harry looked at Louis sitting on the floor, tangled up in blankets, with a pout on his face, "did you fall off the bed?" Harry tried not to laugh at his boyfriend, but was failing miserably.

"How are we back at your place," Louis asked, ignoring Harry's snickers and getting up off the floor. 

"Oh, uh, I just carried you back to my place," Harry's smile disappeared. "Are you alright Lou?"

"Never better. Why?" Louis shrugged, pulling on one of Harry's hoodies.

"Last night. At Henry's party, you were in pretty bad shape and..." Harry trailed off.

"Whatever I said last night," Louis started sharply, "forget all about it. It doesn't matter."

"But Lou, it does." 

Louis turned to look at Harry with the same haunted look from the night before. "Just not today. Please."

Harry sighed, "Alright. But we don't run from our problems." Louis nodded and went into the bathroom to get ready, leaving Harry with his thoughts. And those thoughts lead Harry to calling Liam, Louis' closest friend. The one person who might be able to shed some light on this whole situation.

"Hey Liam?"

"Yeah Harry? What's up?"

"You know Henrie right? Louis' horrible ex?" Harry could hear Liam stop at that. He knew Liam was carefully thinking through his next words.

"If you're calling to find out what happened, I can't tell you that," Liam finally replied.

"He's not talking to me Liam, and I don't know how to help him. Please," Harry pleaded with Liam, hoping he'd give in.

"Be there for him. And when's ready, he'll tell you. He trusts you, but he's not ready to face it yet."

"Thanks Liam," Harry hung up. The phone call helped ease his worries a bit, but he still had many questions.  

"Hazza? Can we binge watch Disney movies today?" Louis' voice came from the bathroom.

"Yeah of course!" Harry yelled back. Whenever Louis was stressed about something, he'd always watch Disney movies to calm down, and it seemed like that habit had not gone away.

Tomorrow, Harry decided. Tomorrow he would get some answers from Louis. But for today, they would watch Disney movies, and stay in their little bubble of bliss. 




sorry for the payne

bye bestiess

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