Kitchen Adventures

14 3 113

AN: this is one of my favourite chapters! hope yall like it. have fun :)




"I am rubber," Louis declared. Harry looked up from the dough he was rolling, and decided he was better off not knowing. "Harryyy, how long are you going to roll that dough?"

"Well, if I don't roll it properly, then we won't get those thin sheets we need," Harry explained, putting some more flour on the rolling pin.

Louis jumped off of the counter. "But I'm bored," he pouted.

Harry turned to face him, "well, you could help me roll the dough." At Louis' expression, Harry laughed. He booped Louis' nose with his flour covered hand, "That's what I thought."

Louis wiped the flour off of nose and went back to sit on the counter. He watched as Harry turned around to put the lasagne in the oven, and his face lit up with an idea. Jumping off the counter, he discreetly grabbed the flour bag that Harry had left on the island.

"Hazzaaa, give me a kiss," Louis called, hiding the flour bag behind his back. Harry turned around to give Louis his kiss, when Louis dumped the flour bag right on top of his head.

Harry just stood there, pink apron and brown hair dusted with flour. Louis burst out laughing at how sad Harry looked at being covered in flour.

"Oh you're going to pay for this Tomlinson," Harry grabbed the flour bag and dumped it on Louis' head. They tackled each other and went down to the floor.

Out of breath they sat side by side and Louis spoke up.

"Not Tomlinson. Styles."

Harry looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

Louis explained, "My last name, it will be Styles, not Tomlinson.

"Uh no," Harry put up a finger, "my last name and yours will be Tomlinson."

"I'm taking your last name."

Harry made a buzzer sound, "Wrong. I'm taking yours."





"What if I took your last name, and you took mine?"

"Then we wouldn't share a last name dummy," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh right."

They sat in silence for a bit, until Louis spoke up, again.

"I love you Harry Edward Tomlinson."

"And I love you Louis William Styles."

Louis looked at Harry which such fondness that Harry knew now was the time to tell him. Anything later, and he would hurt their whole relationship.

"Henrie's here, and he's staying for a while," Harry blurted out, standing up.

Louis' smile disappeared and he looked down. He rose to stand opposite of Harry and they stood in silence for 30 seconds before Harry started to fill it up with his words.

"I know it was a shit thing for me to do, and I should have told you immediately."


Harry carried on, "And I completely get it if you want to break-up or never see me again. I just wanted you to be happy." 

"Harry," Louis tried again, louder this time.

"And you're probably going to want to move back to your old place, and maybe even run me over with the car before you go. God knows I deserve it," Harry flailed his arms around, ranting at this point.

Louis put a hand against Harry's mouth, "I'm going to leave this here until I finish speaking. Ok?"

Harry nodded, and Louis carried on. 

"Can I kiss you?" 

Harry removed Louis' hand from his mouth. "What?"

Louis got closer with each word, "Can. I. Kiss you?"

"Yeah?" Harry answered, still extremely confused. Louis planted a soft kiss on Harry's lips before stepping away. His face one of softness, but an expression that Harry couldn't decipher.

"I already knew." Louis says, much to Harry's surprise. Unable to form words, Harry just tilts his head in a 'how' gesture. Louis continues, "After we went back to your place, Evan called and ranted about the new kid, Henrie, for 10 minutes. You were showering."

"But you didn't say anything?"

"Because I was pissed Hazza. I still am." 


Louis' words softened a bit, "But I wasn't going to torture you for it. I understand why you did it, but never again. You understand me?" Louis pointed a finger at Harry.

"Yeah of course. No more lying. No more leaving out the truth." Harry nodded.

"And in that spirit, I will tell you one thing that I have kept from you." Harry knew it wouldn't be the story of what happened with Henrie. Louis wasn't ready to face it yet and he respected that. "Remember when we said we'd get matching tattoos. Of our first words to one another?" Louis started.

"Yeah of course I remember," Harry rubbed his bicep as he replied.

"Well, along with my arse tattoo, I got the tattoo," Louis revealed, showing Harry his forearm where the word 'Oops' was written across his skin.

"I got the other half," Harry revealed, showing Louis his own tattoo that was the word 'Hi'.

Louis laughed, and Harry joined in. They couldn't believe that they had both remembered their conversation from 5th grade.

Recess of 5th Grade:

"Lou, you know how our first words to each other were Oops, and Hi?"


"What if, when we both turn 15, we each get the first words we said to each other tattooed."

"Tattoos are scary though."

"Well I'll always be there to help you."

"Ok. At 15, I'll get Oops, and you'll get Hi."

"Don't forget."

"How could I?"

Present Day: 

"Should we get going to Henry's party then?" Louis spoke first.

"Yup. But maybe we should clean up first?" Harry eyed Louis up and down, and Louis realized they were both still covered in flour. 

"First one to the shower gets the biggest piece of lasagne," Louis ran upstairs to the bathroom with Harry chasing close behind.

30 minutes later, they got in the car, and headed toward Henry's house. Louis, singing along to a song on the radio, and Harry joining in every now and then.




harry tomlinson

louis styles

which one

hope you liked it

bye besties <33

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