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 "Coffee House closed because of weather," Louis read off of the door. "Bullshit."

"Louis, it's fine. We can just go next week," Harry tried to calm Louis.

"Well yes, but I wanted to do it today," pouted Louis. Harry not being able to resist that pout since kindergarten decided to do something.

"I may have an idea," he turned around and talked to someone on the phone while Louis stood there confused. "Ok, let's go."

Louis and Harry got back into the car and Harry started driving.

"Where are we going?" Louis asked, peering out the window.

"To the school. Katie, Evan, Maddison, and Henry are all there. I think Niall is already there, and Zayn and Liam are on their way," Harry listed off.

"And how is this going to help with the open mic night," Louis asked as he got out of the car.

"Because," Harry covered Louis' eyes with his hands and led him to where the school stage was, "we're going to have our open mic night." He took off his hands to reveal the stage decorated with fairy lights, and the prop box opened and spilling scarfs, necklaces, and a crown.

"Whoa," Louis breathed. "This is beautiful."

"I know right," Evan said from next to Harry. "All thanks to Maddison," he pointed to the brunette girl standing to the left of them.

Zayn and Liam walked in a few moments later, and it seemed like everyone was here.

"NIALL, TURN OFF THE LIGHTS," Henry yelled upwards. The lights went off, and Evan took the stage.

"Weeeelcome everyone to Shiny Parrot's first ever open mic night. First upp we haveeee.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!" Louis and Harry did a mini drum roll on their knees from their spot on the floor. "KATIE AND EVAN!"

Katie walked on stage, spotlight on her, with a neon green boa and matching sunglasses, just as the music started.

All the single ladies.....

"Oh my god. They aren't going to actually do it are they?" Henry asked, shocked.

"UP IN THE CLUB, JUST BROKE UP," Evan sang, entering the stage wearing an orange boa and matching sunglasses.

They started doing the dance, and Niall whipped out his phone to take another video.

"IF YOU LIKED IT, THEN YOU SHOULD'VE PUT A RING ON IT," Katie finished. Evan and Katie looked out of breath, but looked absolutely fabulous.

"WHOOO, GO KATIE AND EVAN," Harry clapped as the lights came on, and everyone else joined in.

"AND NEXT UP WE HAVE LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!!" Henry announced. "Louis come get a prop to wear and tell us what song you'll be singing.

"First of all how do you know what my middle name and I'll be singing," Louis leaned closer and whispered his song title into Henry's ear. When Henry heard the name of the song, he gave Louis a prop, and said, 'it would be perfect.'


Katie plopped down next to Harry and put something on his head, "Here, I feel like you'll need this."

She had put a halo on Harry's head, much to his confusion.

"Ok.." he said hesitantly as the lights went out.

Louis appeared on stage when the spotlight hit him. He was wearing a halo and looked beautiful.

"I found a love," he started, "for me."

Harry's jaw fell open. Louis sounded amazing.

"Cause we were just kids, when we fell in lovee," Louis sang, closing his eyes.

Throughout the performance Harry couldn't keep the fondness out of his eyes.

"Listening to our favourite song, I have faith in what is real," Louis looked straight at Harry when he sang this, and Harry got up. He ran up on stage to stand right in front of Louis, and they shared the mic.

"I know I have a met an angel, in person, and he looks perfect," they both sang, voices blending with each other.

The song ended, and Harry and Louis stood close to each other until the applause broke them out of their trance.

"That was beautiful guys," Evan said first.

"June loved it," Katie said, pointing to her pig.

Harry and Louis looked at each other a bit embarrassed.

"That was really nice, wasn't it?" Louis asked.

"The best," Harry replied.





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