Rest In My Arms

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Hazel works herself into a frenzy. Raven does her best to calm her down. Set 5th or 6th year, so Hazel isn't head girl in this. Warning for a bit of semi-consensual spanking. Also language. Also huzzah, it's Aki writes gay shit day I guess.

"Breathe, Haze." Raven Matthews rolled her eyes slightly as she repeated herself for the 4th time in two minutes.

"I haven't stopped yet." Hazel snapped, leaning closer to her computer screen.

Raven hissed in frustration and took hold of her girlfriend's shoulders, pulling her away from her screen. "I meant breathe deeply, which you aren't doing."

Hazel took an exaggerated deep breath and glared at Raven. "Better?"

"Better. Now calm down."

"Fucking easy for you to say." Hazel muttered.

Raven raised an eyebrow. If Hazel was cursing, that meant that she was really stressed and quite possibly about to snap. Raven knew Hazel was busy. Hell, Hazel was probably busier than most of the students at EHPA, between balancing school, social activities, student organizations, and making sure her friends were doing ok. And when she let something slip through the cracks, it was usually her mental health.

"You need to take a break, Hazel."

"No, I don't. I need to finish this essay so I can start on my project."

"Your project isn't due until next Wednesday. It's Thursday night."

Hazel glared. "Yeah, but between now and then I have two tests, theater club auditions, and I already promised Daisy I'd hang out a bit this weekend. So I have to start it."

"No, you have to take care of yourself, Hazel Marie." Raven did her best to use her stern voice, but apparently she was out of practice. Or maybe she'd just never had one to begin with.

"I can take care of myself later. I have things to do." Hazel muttered, leaning closer to the screen of her laptop.

"You need to learn how to take care of yourself and balance your stress and give yourself a god damn break once in a while before you get back to being head girl and literally run yourself into the ground." Raven snapped.

"I'm not just going to throw my work to the side. I'm not you." 

Hazel's eyes widened as she heard the words fly out of her mouth and she put a hand over it. "Rave, I'm sorry-"

Raven narrowed her eyes. What Hazel had said stung, but far more importantly, Raven could see that her girlfriend was about to have a full on breakdown, and she needed something that would subvert that. "Stand up, Hazel."

Hazel stood up and Raven could see just how tense she was. Her hands were balled into fists, her shoulders were raised, and her stance was that of someone about to bolt. She was about to spiral, and fast, so Raven took control in the only way she could think of.

Raven gently but firmly took hold of Hazel's shoulder and pulled her off her balance so that she landed across Raven's bed. Quickly, she slipped one leg under Hazel's waist and used the other to carefully trap Hazel's legs. She wrapped her arm around the girl's abdomen and pulled her closer to her, then with a quickness that surprised both girls, she smacked her hand down on Hazel's bottom.


Hazel gasped and started squirming, but Raven held her still, continuing on silently.

smack smack smack smack smack 

Hazel kicked her legs. "Let me go, Rave!"

"No. And stop wiggling." Raven's eyebrows raised at her own tone. Apparently she did have a strict voice.

smack smack smack smack smack smack

Hazel stopped struggling and began to breathe heavier. Raven slowed her speed but smacked a bit harder.

smack smack

"Ow! Raven!"


"Let it out, Hazel."



Raven paused for a moment and rubbed her girlfriend's back gently. "Let it out, love. You're safe here."

smack smack

And Hazel broke. She began sobbing hard over Raven's lap.

Raven scooped Hazel up easily into her arms and rubbed her back, whispering softly into her ear. "That's it, Haze. Let it out. I've got you. It's going to be okay, love."

"I'm sorry. I've just been so stressed-"

"Shh, I know. It's ok."

Hazel hid her face in Raven's shoulder, crying out all her stress and frustration. Raven held her close, never stopping the slow circles of her hand on Hazel's back.

Eventually, Hazel's sobs quieted and she looked up from Raven's shoulder. Raven laughed softly and passed her the box of tissues. Hazel blew her nose, then smiled sheepishly.

"I'm sorry I yelled. I didn't mean it."

Raven shifted Hazel so that, while she was still sitting on her lap, she was looking more directly at her. "It's ok. I know. And I'm sorry if I was out of line, smacking you like that."

"No, it's ok. I deserved it."

Raven shook her head. "That's not why I did it. You just needed something to get your mind off your stress."

Hazel rolled her eyes, grinning a bit. "Did it have to be such a hard something?"

"Are you ok? Was it too hard?"

"Nah, I've had much worse, from you and from others. And I'd have stopped you if it was too hard, yeah?"

Raven nodded. "Why didn't you? Use the safe word, I mean?"

Hazel shifted, looking down. "I dunno. Sometimes it's kinda nice to, ya know, not have to be in control."

Raven smirked, kissing Hazel's forehead. "I get it. You're a dork, by the way. You don't have to be embarrassed that you sometimes need someone to take care of you."

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Now I'm the dork, huh? You're one to-"

Raven effectively cut her girlfriend off by kissing her gently. Hazel wrapped her arms around her and sighed contentedly. As they broke apart, Hazel suddenly smirked.

"What's that look for?" Raven hid a grin.

"You've gotten faster, Rave, pulling me down like that."

"Thank you?"

In a flash, Hazel had her hands on Raven's shoulders and pushed her back onto the bed, pinning her easily. "Not as fast as me though."

Raven couldn't help it, she started giggling. "What ever happened to you not wanting to be in control?"

Hazel smirked for another second, then leaned down and kissed Raven gently before maneuvering to lay down next to her, her head on Raven's chest. Raven slid her arm around Hazel's waist and held her close. "Still don't want to. Just had to prove a point." Hazel yawned.

"Dork. Just rest, love."

Hazel closed her eyes. "Incorrigible."

"I love you."

"Love you too."

AN: Why hello there. I wrote this because I was stressed at one point and also just am very single right now so maybe I'm just projecting LOL. Anyway, hope you enjoyed some fluff of my girls as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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