Next Time

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AN: Just because Hazel doesn't get in trouble nearly enough. Set about 2 weeks after The Creek. Also warning for language.

"Hazel picked the strap back up and held it out to Lilian. "If you want...I mean, I did cuss you out...I don't mind."

Lilian considered for a moment. "No, not now. Next time though...."

Hazel shuddered. "I think you may be scarier than I am, Lil. There won't be a next time."

~The Creek, Chapter 11

"Oh my god, Rave. Just leave me alone!" Hazel stormed to the other side of the classroom and glared back at her friend.

"Jesus, just because you suck at chemistry doesn't mean you have to throw a tantrum!" 

Hazel was back across the classroom in a flash. "What did you say to me?"

"I said, just because you aren't the smartest person in the world doesn't mean you have to act like a goddamn toddler."

"And just because you think you've unlocked the secrets to the universe doesn't mean that you have to be a little bitch about it." Hazel shot back.

"I do not think that! You just can't accept that I might be better at you than something!" Raven accused.

Hazel got right in Raven's face. "Fuck. Off."

Raven stormed out of the classroom and down the hall, fuming. Suddenly, she paused, then began walking again, less furiously but just as quickly.

"Raven? Are you alright?" 

Raven grinned inwardly. Perfect timing. "Not really."

"What's up?" Lil looked with concern at the taller girl, who seemed really upset.

"Hazel and I got in a fight, she cussed me out so I left."

"She what?!"

"She cussed me out?" Raven repeated innocently.

Lil kept her temper under control. "Where is she?" 

"In the chem lab, we were working on homework when she blew up at me."

"Why was she so mad?"

"She doesn't understand how to do it or something. I dunno, it was kinda out of the blue."

"Sorry she got mad at you." Lil offered.

Raven gave the younger girl a smile. "It wasn't your fault. I'm going back to my dorm, see ya."

Lil walked towards the chem lab with determination. 


Hazel was packing up her supplies quickly, intent on finding Raven to apologize. She really hadn't meant to blow up on her friend, but the end of year stress as well as the added news of finding out that she'd have to be head girl for a whole extra year had pushed her past her breaking point.


Hazel glanced up. "Oh hey Lil. Have you seen Raven?"

"I've seen her, yeah."

"Great! Do you know where she went?"

"Back to your dorm."

"Ok good. I need to talk to her about-"

"How you cussed her out?" Lil finished Hazel's sentence and waited.

Hazel was walking to the door when what Lil had said sunk in. She paused mid step and turned around slowly. "Uh, what did she tell you?"

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