Motivating Raven

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AN: Story contains the spanking of a teen! Fair warning! Also language cause it's Raven.

This could have happened at any time or many times. Not intended to be Haven but you can take it that way.

"Rave, what are you doing?"

Raven looked up from her sketchbook. "Drawing. Obviously."

Hazel frowned at her roomate's tone. "Did you finish your paper already?"

Raven looked back down. "I'll do it later."

Hazel rolled her eyes. "See that you do. It's almost 5."

Raven sighed exasperatedly. "Can't ya bug someone else?"

Hazel looked hurt, but turned to the door. "Fine. I'm going to go help Lia and Tina with math."

Raven made no answer as her best friend turned to go.


Hazel sat in the library, typing quickly. She looked closely at her laptop, changed a few things, and then smiled. Her paper was done, and it was only 6:30. She pressed the print button and headed over to the printer. Normally she'd be working in her room, but Raven had gone there after dinner, claiming she was going to work. Hazel didn't want to distract her.

If she was completely honest with herself, Hazel was annoyed with her friend. Raven always seemed to procrastinate on things, sometimes turning in assignments days late.

So what? It's not like I can do anything.

Hazel stared as the paper printed, realizing she technically could do something about it. She was head girl after all, and honestly, anyone else would have ended up in detention already. She had dealt with stuff like this before, in fact it was only a few weeks since she had had Daisy over her lap for missing 4 math assignments, and this paper was worth more than that.

But that's different. Dai is so much younger...

No, she really wasn't. Daisy was only a bit less than two years younger than Raven, and probably just as mature. Hazel grabbed the paper and sighed, stapling the 4 pages together.

It's not really my place to do anything. I'm not her mom. I can't just spank her cause she won't work.

But maybe, just maybe, that's what Raven needed. A little motivation. A little bit of fear to get her moving. 

Oh well, she's working on it now anyway. I just wish she wouldn't put things off.

Hazel decided she could put the paper in her binder later. She slid it inside of her laptop, then headed off in the direction of Lil and Daisy's dorm. Daisy had a book for her that she wanted to borrow.


Hazel entered her dorm room quietly at around 7:30, about an hour and a half before she'd be in bed. Raven was flopped on her stomach on her bed, laptop nowhere in sight.

"Did you finish the paper?"

Raven's ears colored. "I'm taking a little break."

Hazel shrugged. Reasonable. "How much do you have done?"

"Would you go bother someone else?" Raven asked snottily.

Hazel glared. "I'm not sure I like this attitude, Raven Sophia."

Raven looked up and sneered. "Go bug someone else and leave me alone so I can do this damn essay."

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Maybe you should go somewhere else so you can focus better." She picked up Raven's laptop which was half open on her desk. When she moved it, the screen lit up, and Hazel could see her document.



"You have a title and one sentence."


"So?!" Hazel exploded. "So it's nearly 8 at night at this point, and I know for a fact you can't write an essay in an hour. What have you been doing since dinner?"


Hazel rolled her eyes. "So you lied to me."

"Whatever, Hazel! You're not my mom. Leave me the fuck alone. I'll stay up late and do it."

Hazel stayed silent and stalked into the bathroom to calm down. She splashed some cold water on her face when she noticed her large, wooden hairbrush on the counter. Hmm.

Hazel exited the bathroom, hairbrush in hand. Raven didn't even look up.

"I think you need more motivation, Raven."

Raven flipped her off.

Hazel walked silently behind her and whacked the hairbrush down across her friend's bottom.

"Ow! What the fuck?"

Hazel brought the hairbrush down 5 more times quickly.

"This is just a warm up, believe me, Miss Matthews. You are in desperate need of motivation and I intend to provide it. Now stand up."

Raven did, rubbing her bottom and pouting. Hazel sat on her bed, grabbed Raven's wrist, and pulled her across her lap, pinning her down. She quickly bared the girl's bottom and began spanking her hard with her hand.

"Ow! Let me go!"

"I don't think so, Raven. You've had this coming for a very long time." Hazel punctuated each word with a hard smack.

Raven squirmed, but she was no match against Hazel's strength. After a few minutes, she stopped fighting and began to cry.

Hazel stopped then and picked up the hairbrush.

"Four dozen. Two for procrastinating, one for lying, and one for cursing."

Raven whined at the punishment but didn't argue. Hazel lifted the brush high.


Raven lay sobbing contritely over Hazel's lap as Hazel gently rubbed the girl's hot red bottom. 

"My ass feels like it's on fire."

Hazel gently smacked her bottom once more. "Language." She scolded gently before beginning to rub again.

Raven sighed contentedly. She honestly felt much better.

Hazel pulled up the girl's underwear and brought her to her feet. The two friends hugged. 

"Mm sorry Haze." Raven spoke into her friend's shoulder.

Hazel smiled "I forgive you."

The two girls pulled apart. Hazel smirked at Raven.

"Think you're motivated enough to work now?"

Raven nodded.

Hazel led her over to her desk and pushed her into the chair. Raven yelped.

"Oww! My a--- uh, my butt still hurts."

Hazel smirked at the near slip up. She'll never change. "That's the price you have to pay."

Raven groaned but opened her laptop and began typing, squirming a little in the hard wooden seat. Hazel watched her squirm for about 10 minutes before picking up a pillow and handing it to her friend, which Raven gratefully sat down on. Hazel kissed the top of her head before flopping down on her bed to read Daisy's book.

AN: Please leave a comment! As I said this could be anywhere, such as several weeks after the last chapter, several weeks before the last chapter, or right before The Creek. It doesn't really matter.

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