For Her Sake

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AN: This chapter is a parody of one of my favorite books, Little Men by Louisa May Alcott. I highly recommend it because it is a classic and the writing is excellent. The basis of this story comes from Chapter 4. This is an AU, and likely takes place in Hazel's 4th year.

Fair warning, this contains the spanking of a teenager, yadda yadda, I think you know this already. 

Hazel sat across from Daisy, shaking her head. 

"Really Dai? Three missing assignments?"

Daisy squirmed a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, you know, get so behind."

Hazel sighed. "And I forgive you, but you can't keep going on like this. You'll land yourself in detention or worse. And my warnings to you clearly aren't working."

Daisy looked down. She felt bad for getting so behind, but it was natural for her to procrastinate until the last minute, or, more and more frequently, to just forget about homework.

The head girl considered her friend. "You know, I used to do quite the same thing as you are doing."

Daisy looked up, surprised.

Hazel smiled ruefully. "Yeah, it didn't end well for me. I know you've never had detention, Daisy. Avoid it."

Daisy shivered. She'd heard all sorts of things about the detentions. They didn't sound pleasant.

Hazel stood and began pacing. "Of course, that did stop me from being such a procrastinator."

The younger girl gulped. "If you think it will help me, you can put me in detention." She spoke bravely, but Hazel could hear the quiver in her voice.

"No, I have a better way than that. I tried it once before, and it worked quite well. See, when you are missing assignments, I will not punish you, but you will punish me."

"How?" Daisy asked, concerned.

Hazel shrugged. "The strap will do. Perhaps a bit harsh, but it may make you remember better to give me pain than to feel it yourself."

"Whip you? Oh, I couldn't!" Daisy cried out.

"Then mind that you do your work. I have no wish to be hurt, but I can bear much pain to help you."

This made quite an impression on Daisy, and for several weeks she turned her work in promptly or even early. Hazel was correct when she had assumed that her friend's love for her would be stronger than fear for herself. But alas, one day, while caught up in some thing or another, she forgot a vocabulary assignment to be due the next day.

Daisy hoped no one would find out, and rushed to do it on her lunch break, turning it in only slightly late. Unfortunately, as she ran out of the classroom, she ran almost directly into Hazel and Raven who were walking in. Daisy's face turned red with horror. Hazel raised an eyebrow, then turned and spoke quietly to Raven, "I'll be back soon." Then she took Daisy by the shoulder and steered her down the hall toward the discipline room.

Lilian, Lia, Grace, and Tina were standing nearby and watched everything occur. After exchanging glances, Lia snuck off behind them and knelt carefully on the floor next to the room, looking through the small crack in the door. There she saw Hazel and Daisy, with Hazel holding a long strap in her hand.

Geez, she's real strict about this. All this for one assignment?

"You remember what I told you last time?" Hazel spoke in a low, sorrowful voice.

"Yes, but don't make me. I can't bear it." Daisy cried, backing up against the wall, her face and voice full of horror.

Why doesn't she just take it? It will be worse for her otherwise. 

"I will keep my word about this, and you need to remember. Obey me Daisy, take this and give me six good strokes."

Lia almost fell over and gasped, but was fortunately not noticed and continued to stare in shock.

Daisy took the strap, too afraid to disobey Hazel. Hazel bent over the counter, waiting. Daisy looked guilty, as though she was about to stab her friend, but gave two feeble strokes across Hazel's bottom. Then she stopped, tears streaming down her face. Hazel looked at her.

"Go on, and strike harder."

Daisy wiped her eyes and seemed to summon some courage, for the next two strokes were harder, making Hazel wince but hurting the giver more.

"Isn't that enough?" The girl gasped.

"Two more." was all the answer she received.

Daisy gave them quickly, eliciting a cry from Hazel, and then threw the strap across the room and nearly tackled her friend in a hug, sobbing into her shoulder.

"Oh, I will remember! I will!"

Hazel rubbed the girl's back gently and spoke soothingly. 

"I think you will. I will be there to help you, as will your friends, and try to spare us both another scene like this."

Lia didn't hear anything else, for she got up and dashed back to her friends, who were still huddled in the quad, wondering what was being done to Daisy.

In an impressive whisper, Lia told them, and they were all shocked as though the sky might fall from this reversal of order.

"She made me do the same thing once." Lil admitted quietly.

"And you did it? You actually hit Hazel? I'd like to see you do it now!" Grace cried out angrily.

Lil shrugged. "It was quite a while ago. I'd rather do anything than do that again."

"How could you?" Tina gasped.

"I was actually really mad at the time, so I didn't think I would mind a bit. But I gave her one hard stroke, and she cried out, and everything she ever did for me came into my head all at once somehow, and I couldn't go on. She could have whipped me for an hour and I wouldn't have minded, I felt so mean."

"Daisy's sobbing and feels so sorry, let's not tell her that we know, alright?" Lia said compassionately.

"Of course we won't." Tina cried and the others agreed with her.

"Can I come to your dorm? I want to give her some space." Lilian spoke to Lia, and the four girls went off together.

Daisy didn't come to the next class, but Hazel went to talk to her which helped her some, although she couldn't make herself look at her. After a while, she came out of the dorm to see Lilian sitting against the wall, reading quietly.

"I'm going to go for a walk, will you come?"

Lil smiled and put her book away.

The others saw them go, but did not follow, for they figured that Lilian understood better anyway, and didn't want to make Daisy uncomfortable. The walk seemed to help and by the time the two girls got back Daisy looked cheerful again, although she was rather quieter than usual.

No one said a word about that morning, but its effect was all the more lasting for that reason, perhaps. Daisy tried her very best, and found much help in the patient care of her friend, whom she could never look at without remembering that she had willingly borne pain for her sake.

AN: Please leave a comment! Remember, much of this story belongs to Louisa May Alcott!

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