Cheater, Cheater.

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AN: I'm going to call this an AU because this Lil functions far more as safe!Lil, basically meaning that she and Daisy act exactly like Hazel and Raven in this. The problems with trying to write a story before you develop the characters at all, lol.

This is a combination of several ideas I had and, finally, includes Lil as head girl. An interesting little look at two very similar yet very different situations. 

Note, Hazel is not head girl in this. It's set in her 5th year.  Also, probably AU for the inevitable Haven.

Hazel sat slumped down at her desk in her World Civilizations class. It was an easy class if you payed attention, yet it was very boring. Hazel doubted she would ever need to know the customs of ancient Mayan civilizations; however, her two years as head girl and her desire to resume the position in her 7th year pushed her to do well in all subjects.

"Hey Rave, how about this quiz, huh?" Hazel pushed herself up and glanced at her best friend who sat next to her.

Raven's eyes widened. "Ah hell, gotta study."

Hazel rolled her eyes, holding back a smirk. "That's why I asked."

Raven pulled the study sheet out of her bag and began looking over it. Hazel figured she may as well look over her own study sheet and did so. However, after a minute, she noticed Raven writing furiously on a small piece of paper. What is she doing?

"Papers away." The teacher called as he began to hand out quizzes. The two girls each stored their study sheets, but Raven carefully folded the paper she had written on and slid it inside the sleeve of her blazer. Hazel raised an eyebrow.

Sure enough, a few minutes into the quiz, Hazel heard the unmistakable sound of crinkling paper and, flicking her eyes sideways, saw Raven carefully copying down answers. She shot her friend a glare but Raven didn't look up. 

Now, at this point, Hazel was presented with an ethical dilemma. The right thing to do, of course, would be to report Raven. However, Hazel didn't necessarily wanted to do that. She was upset, of course, but she wasn't a tattle tale. Raven certainly shouldn't just get away with it. That left what Hazel thought of as the Direct Route. It would be tricky to pull off, but with a little cunning, it would work out. 

Yes, the Direct Route it would be.


"Rave, can you help me with something?"

Raven looked at her friend. "Sure. What do you need?"

Hazel kept a neutral expression on her face. "I think I left something in the DR when I was helping Lilian clean last week. Will you walk down there with me?"

Raven shrugged. "Sure, why not."

The two girls walked quickly towards the room, and Hazel unlocked it.

"Why do you still have a key?" Raven asked.

"Lil gave me a spare."


It was somewhat true. Hazel did have Lilian's key, and eventually, once she was able to make a copy of it, she'd have a spare.

Hazel had thought things through more than necessary, as usual. She'd actually had Lil come and plant something in one of the cupboards. 

"Hey, you want some tea? The kettle is still here."

Raven shrugged. "Sure."

Hazel bustled around getting the tea things, slipping past the door and locking it on her way around. Raven didn't notice. 

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