Ⅰ - 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲

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9:13 AM


I fell asleep. Again. I look around to see I was on the floor of the grocery store where I work, and that the food I was "packing" was still laid on the floor. 

"Hyun-woo is gonna kill me!" I thought to myself. Then, I heard the ring of the bell hanging over the door. Speak of the devil. Hyun-woo, my co-worker just walked in. 

"Y/N, why is all the food on the floor?!" He said with a glare. 

"I'm...so sorry Hyun-woo. You know how it is at home. I just fell asleep." I said while staring at the floor 

"I know Y/N, but could you please try to stay awake..?"

 "I will. Promise." 

I extended my pinkie finger so we could swear on it. "Your so childish Y/N." Hyun-woo said while completing the pinkie swear.

 "I'll finish packing these, then I have to go back home. My dad needs supervision." I say while packing as fast as I can 

"Hey, take these, its on me. Also, tell your dad I said hi." Hyunwoo said while handing me some rice cakes.

 "Is this you telling me I'm fat?" I said with a smirk.

 "No! They were just the closest things to me!" 

"Sure Hyun-woo, sure."

11:34 AM

     As I arrived home a few hours later, I saw my dad sitting at the table, with his head down. "Hey Dad..you up?" 

He raised his head slowly to look at me and gave me a light smile before saying, "Y/N, you look exhausted, did you walk here again? You know you can take the train right?"

 I like to keep our financial "situation" a secret from my father, since It'll just be too much for him to take at once. He's already going through so much right now. 

"Don't worry, I took the train, It was just a long night at work. By the way, Hyunwoo says hi." I say while opening up the rice cakes 

"That Hyun-woo is a very nice boy. I think he likes you." My dad says with a smile.

 "Gosh Dad, you know I like girls." 

My dad was the first person I told about my sexuality. He's always been my biggest supporter. But when I came out to him, he told me that he always knew. I guess my stares at the lingerie models were more noticeable than I thought. But he threw me a mini party, with just the two of us, and really made me feel special. 

"I know I know. But he really is a nice boy. I'm just saying." He comments

     6:53 PM - the next day

I add the finishing touches onto me and my fathers dinner when I hear a large bang.

"What was that!? Dad? Are you okay?" I say as I quick run into the next room. I feel the blood drain from my face when I see my dad, face down on the floor. 

I quickly go to check his pulse and.....thank goodness. He's still breathing. I quickly pick up my Dad, and sprint.  We don't own a car, so I just rely on my own feet to get everywhere. 

Luckily, my adrenaline makes me run faster, and I make it to the hospital in just under 10 minutes, dripping in sweat and my own tears. "Please help me! My father- he collapsed in the living room! He has lung cancer I- please help!" I say while crying.

 A group of nurses immediately put him onto a stretcher, and rush him into the emergency room. 

I try to follow, but I get stopped by an officer. "You can't go in there. You have to wait until they've diagnosed him." I clench my fists and turn around. I would fight, but I don't want to be arrested for assaulting an officer. 

7:17 PM

I step out of the hospital to get some air, when a man in a suit approaches me. "Would you like to play a game?" he says, holding some briefcase. 

"I'm not a hooker, get away from me." I say, trying to inch away from him.

 "Not that type of game, I'll give you 100,000 won each time your card lands upright." He says, opening his briefcase to reveal A LOT of money, and two colored cards. 

"I..I don't need your money." My eyebrows creased together and I turned around, I didn't trust this strange man. 

"Yes, you do. Your Y/N L/N, am I wrong? You're also 111 million won in debt." he says, keeping a straight face.

 "How do you know my name? Are you some kind of stalker?!" I say, feeling unsafe. 

"No. Would you like to play? Or not." He says, closing up the briefcase. 

"I'll play." I say hesitantly.

 "Okay, pick a card." He holds up two cards, a red one, and a blue one. Blue is my dads favorite color, so I pick blue. 

We play for about 30 minutes, with me having won 800,000 won, and receiving 13 slaps to the face. 

"Enjoyed the game?" The man says, taking another card out of his pocket. 

"Yeah, sure" I say, whilst rubbing my cheek. 

"Well, If you enjoyed this, you can win a lot more money playing similar games. Just call this number." The man says, handing me the card with a circle, a square, and a triangle. 

I scoff and turn away. "I knew this was some kind of trick." I say as I enter the hospital. 

"Hello Miss, your Mr. L/N's daughter right?" A doctor says, with a worried look on his face. 

"Yes, I am. Whats the problem." I say, feeling worried. 

"Well, your father is in a very bad condition. We need to preform a surgery on him as soon as possible. But the thing is... it's a very expensive surgery. It costs 47,000,000 won." 

After hearing this, I walk out, and call the number. " Maybe if this man is telling the truth....If I can win this money, I'll definitely be able to pay for the surgery." I think while dialing. 

I still don't know if that was the best, or worst decision I've ever made. 

A/N - I really hoped you guys enjoyed this! It was a bit boring but don't worry, there's gonna be more action in the following chapters, just you wait and see. 

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