Chapter 6

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Stepping onto the sidewalk outside of the hotel, the Dallas heat mixed with the noisy night life of downtown bombards us. It's a drastic change from the calm, air conditioned building we were just in. Stepping in front of me so I'll stop walking, Harry slips his blazer off with a look that lets me know he hates the humid weather. Laying the blazer across his left forearm, he starts to unbutton his cuff on his right sleeve to roll it up.

     Wanting to make this task easier for him, I reach forward and take his blazer. "I'll hold it." He gives me a small smile and shakes his tatted arm out as he rolls the sleeve up. When finished, he repeats the action on the left sleeve. Taking his blazer back from me, he flings it over his right shoulder and holds the collar of it with his index finger, his left hand diving into his pants pocket. I stand to his left, closer to the building, and hold my clutch down by my pelvis with both hands.

     Harry nods his head forward and asks, "Where to?"

I turn my head to look at him and say, "No idea. I just wanted to get out of the hotel for a bit. But now that you're asking... I wouldn't mind finding somewhere to stop and get a little snack. Something sweet."

He starts to walk and says, "I know a place. Right around the corner, about a 7-10 minute walk." Keeping up with him, I stroll along the sidewalk with a slight pep in my step.

He makes me feel good. Happy.

     "Sounds great." I keep my eyes forward, and watch the traffic of both people and vehicles as they move around downtown. Looking at all of these people makes an unwelcome thought cross my mind.

He could be watching me.


     I start to scan my eyes through as many faces as I can, looking for him, and begin to feel my heart rate pick up. Before the start of my panic hits me, Harry's voice pulls me out of my delusion.

     "You never answered my question." I shoot him a puzzled look, and he elaborates as he looks back at me. "Do you want him?" Though his composure looks unbothered, his eyes are wary.

     I look back in front of me, unable to look at him now that I'm put on the spot. Keeping my voice low like I'm giving private information, I respond, "I really like Dax, he's been great to me in the short time I've known him. But no, I don't want him."

     Seeming pleased with my answer, he looks forward again and keeps walking. I want to tell him that I'm not capable of really wanting anyone right now, but I'm not sure that's true anymore.

Because I do want Harry.

     I just know in my heart that I bring nothing to this except for trouble. I need to be alone. It's better that way.

No, not better.


     I decide I'm going to enjoy tonight, and chalk it all up to a good memory when I leave tomorrow. He knows I'm leaving, yet he's still here with me. So maybe he's on the same page as I am. I wonder how long he and Jeff are staying...

     "How long are you and your dad staying at the HALL for?" I speak clearly but with my focus still in front of me and where we're walking. Stopping at a crosswalk, he turns to me. "We have about 6 weeks left until we head back to New York. We travel down here twice a year to keep an eye on dad's corporate office for the South region."

     "What is it that your dad does?" The crosswalk changes from an orange hand to a white walking figure, signaling us to make our way across the crosswalk. Taking his hand out of his pocket, he guides me with his hand against the familiar spot on my back.

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