Chapter 11

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The sense of urgency stemming from my bladder wakes me. Though it's still dark when I open my eyes, I can hear the crickets outside and feel the cool wind blowing in through the front door. I feel a weight on my stomach, so I look down and see Harry's arm draped around me. I turn my head to look at him. He's laying on his side in a fetal-like position with his head on the floor instead of on the jacket-pillow he made for himself. His nose is almost touching my shoulder.

Even though I really have to pee, I take a moment to admire every feature on his sweet, relaxed face. He's breathing softly through his parted lips. He looks so young like this; so innocent. Thinking about how his hair felt in my hands as we kissed, I'm tempted to run my fingers through it again... It's so soft. I resist, though, and delicately move his arm off of me by his wrist. He doesn't move, except for a slight twitch in his eyebrows.

I go to stand up and realize I'm still pretty drunk, but not as much as I was before I fell asleep.

What time is it?

I see Harry's phone sitting next to him, so I pick it up and check the time. 4:33am.

Ugh. Too early.

I tiptoe my way to the bathroom, but silently curse when I see that there isn't any toilet paper in there yet. Trying my best to avoid any squeaky floorboards, I head towards the kitchen in hopes of finding any kind of napkin. No luck.

Maybe he has some in his car...

I tiptoe back over to Harry and crouch down beside him. As carefully as I can so that I don't wake him up, I move his jacket around until I find the pocket that his car keys are in. I grab them and head outside. Peeking in the center console, I find a small packet of tissues.

This'll work.

I lock the car from the inside so that the horn doesn't go off from locking it remotely, and make my way inside, closing the front door behind me.

After I use the restroom, I quietly go back to Harry and lay down next to him again. On my side facing him, I watch him until I feel my eyes become heavy. Unable to control myself, I tenderly lay my hand in the open palm of his in between us and go back to sleep.


     I slowly wake up from the sun shining through the windows, and the first thing I notice is that Harry isn't next to me anymore. The second thing I notice is the murderous headache I have from drinking so much last night.


     I sit up while squinting my eyes, and look around the room until I spot Harry on a step ladder against the living room wall with wireless earbuds in his ears. He's not in his clothes from yesterday - he's wearing a black Rolling Stones t-shirt and a pair of jeans with his white sneakers. The casual look catches me off guard. I'm intrigued by his tattoos again because of the t-shirt, I'll have to remember to ask him about them and get a better look.

     He's screwing in curtain rods above the windows, concentrating hard, so I don't think he realizes I'm awake. I stretch and smell something savory coming from the kitchen.

He got food?

    I stand up, walk to the kitchen, and see a white plastic bag sitting on top of the counter with breakfast tacos and individual packets of hot sauce inside. I grab a sauce packet and one of the tacos that's labeled with potatoes, eggs, cheese and bacon. Unwrapping the foil, I walk towards Harry and look up at him on the ladder.

     "Whatcha doin'?" I take a bite from the taco.

     He gasps and mutters, "Mother of -". He teeters on the ladder, but quickly recovers his balance and takes out his earbuds. I smile.

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