Chapter 1- UA here we come!

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A few weeks ago I was sitting in a classroom at Aldera junior high with a bunch of other students whom hope to get into UA, the school that's ranked the number 1 hero training school. A school that some of the greatest heroes went to! I knew I would get into UA through recommendations because of my high test scores getting good grades was never a problem for me but staying out of trouble was another story.  unfortunately, even though my twin got higher test scores than me he had to do the entrance exam.

even though I had a big secret I didn't want to tell yet, I might have been once quirkless.

-present time-

the following week after the entrance exams, the black-haired girl with bloody red eyes walks through the gates to UA being amazed that she is a UA student. As she waits for her two best friends, getting annoyed that they're taking forever to get to the school. then she'd finally spot a black/haired girl with yellow eyes. also a male with purple hair and yellow eyes. the two whom are her best friends. shed scold them for taking forever the black/pink-haired girl telling her best friend why they took forever. the blacked haired girl forgiving her best friends, with a sigh. shed then walk through UA doors her best friends following behind her. once we get to 1A the three of us sit down in our seats, waiting for our homeroom teacher to come in to teach us. the black-haired girl would put her feet on her desk, the daughter of Tenya Lida would walk over to her with an unpleasant glare. the black-haired girl glaring back and she said in a cold, firm tone '' what you want peasant?'' 

the daughter of Tenya Lida whom was named nemu gave the black-haired girl another glare and said in a firm tone '' get your feet off the desk. this is UA property you're being disrespectful to the school!-'' the blacked haired girl just rolled her eyes then turned her gaze towards a black-haired male whom was her twin brother then noticed miyu todoroki her glare getting cold. miyu was her childhood friend but she and they were no longer friends. shed go to miyu whom was talking to her twin, she'd punch miyu but the black-haired girl, twin brother would grab his twin sister. 

the black-haired girl hissed at miyu and shed said in a cold tone '' how did you get into UA!? you Bratt!-''  the black-haired girl would snicker, as an adult male walks into the room, then everyone would go to their seats, not saying another word to each other. 

the male sighed, and he'd say in a firm, yet tired tone. '' hello everyone I'm your homeroom teacher you can call me Mr.Kazuo or Kazuo-sensei. Anyways today you guys will be paired up with one of your classmates at random. we will be doing a training exercise of working together with one of your classmates. we will have a team of villains who try to protect a fake weapon/capture the heroes and the other team will be heroes who try to get the weapon/capture the villains. Remember to work with your chosen teammate. anyways now let's head to the training area and I will tell you guys who your teammate is/who you're going up against there.''

After everyone got to the new USJ building, the students of 1A would be chattering among themselves, their teacher hasn't come yet as a green-haired male with green eyes walks in, the pro hero Deku. everyone thought it was cool that the number 1 hero is here except one person. the green-haired male clears his throat, him about to talk, everyone, shutting up so the green-haired male could talk. the green hair male glances at the class they say in a firm tone, '' your teacher just got a call for a mission so ill be your sub. I will be pairing you guys up for your training exercise. so lets begin....- first we have keira bakugou and miyu todoroki vs hachiro kaminari and nemu Tenya.''

when the round begins the teams would be on different ends of the building. keira sighs, glaring at Miyu then says in a firm, yet cold tone, ''stay out of my way peasant.'' Miyu sighs, then says in a  weak, shaky tone ''but-'' keira would roll her eyes at Miyu, then say in an annoyed tone, ''shut up will ya?''

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