Chapter 8- UA's internships are here

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the following morning, all the 1st years of ua headed to the pro heroes agencies they're at for their internships. keira heads to hawk's agency by limo since hawks agency was in another town that was 10 miles east of the city ua in, as keira eventually got to the town hawks agency is in, she'd go to find his agency. once she got to his agency, she'd walk inside glaring at hawks. Hawks weren't paying attention, him doing paperwork. 

keira says in a curious tone to hawks,'' why did you choose me out of everyone else- you barely ever have any heroes in training internship with you- you prefer to work alone-''

hawks now make eye contact with keira and respond to her,'' well your quirks are very uh- unique and that move you used to dodge your opponent's attacks is kinda similar to my way of dodging my opponent moves while I'm flying. I'm probably one of the only pro heroes who could help you learn to master it besides Deku but he's too busy to have time for ua internships. also, you are very correct I usually work alone. I barely work with any other pros or ua students.''

keira glares at hawks and responds to him, ''so why me then?''

hawks respond, ''well idk because your special I guess?-''

after a while hawks was done with his paperwork and sighs, looking at keira and saying to her, ''cmon we're going to an important meeting to go to''

keira responds to hawks,'' okay''

we would leave the hero agency, go to a big building where the meeting is held. once we got to the meeting room, shed see sam, he was one of her friends. shed say to him,'' hi sam''

sam responds to keira, ''hello keira.''

keira then responds,'' what you think the meeting about sam-''

sam responds,'' not sure to be honest Keira-''

a lot of pro heroes then walk in and sit down, one person stands in front of everyone and everyone gets quiet. the male then said,'' Hello everyone I'm phynx- one of the admins of hero associations''

phynx talks for a while then phynx says, '' now I will have the former no 1 pro hero all might!-''

all might then walk in.  all might say, ''hello everyone'' he'd look around the room at all the people here. ''hm you there- come up here'' all might point at the black hair girl named keira.

keira's crimson red eyes look at all might as she'd say, '' huh? who-? me?-''

all might look at keira and respond to her, ''yes you- your ground zero and red riot child right?"

Keira response, ''yeah I am their child-''

all might responds, '' well I have a question for you so come up here-''

phynx mutters to all might, ''I don't think you should do that-''

shed look at hawks then at sam. hawks mutter to keira, ''go up there, kid-''

keira looks at hawks then mutters to him, ''hmph fine'' shed go up there, standing next to all might. 

all might ask keira ''what is your opinion on the hero society keira-?'' 

keira then responds, ''well uh- tbh its kinda corrupted with some false pro heroes' who only care about money''

phynx glares at keira then laugh and respond to keira, ''haha kids and their wild imaginations am I, right?- shes lying this hero society is perfectly fine''

some of the other pros laugh and agree with phynx, keira went back to where she was sitting and slims down in her chair then mutters to herself, ''hmph but I'm not lying-''

after a while, the meeting was over and everyone was leaving. phynx then said, ''hey hawks do you mind if I have a conversation with keira really quick-''

hawks respond, ''yeah sure I don't mind ill met you outside kid-''

keira responds, ''mk-''

hawks walk out with all the other people then once everyone left the room,phynx glares at keira and says to her, ''you better keep quiet about my hero society or else''

keira respond curiously, '' or else what-''

phynx responds, ''or else ill end your pathetic little life-''

keira was silent for a moment then looks at phynx and shed responded in a scared tone, ''ehm- you can't do that right- you got to be joking..-Uhm your joking right-?''

phynx gave her a serious look and said in a cold tone, '' im not joking..-don't test my strength kid. im more powerful than you think I am...- you better watch out because I could rip away the ones you love and care about away from you very easily... I could make your life a living hell'' keira was silent again and was now in shock not sure to believe what she was just told.

phynx then says to keira, ''you better not tell anyone about this or else...- you understand?-'' keira shakes her head in agreement to not tell anyone about this then she'd walk off outside and walks up to hawks who was talking to pro that sam was doing his internship with.

shed look at sam and says to him,'' I don't trust that phynx guy, something is off about him. he gives off bad vibes.''

sam responds to keira,'' yeah I don't trust him either, we need to be careful around him but not like anyone would believe us about him though''

keira responds in a cold tone, ''yeah he threatened to kill me and everyone I care for but wait I got an idea. simply we expose him by getting some kind of proof that he can't be trusted''

sam responds, ''good idea but how and where would we get proof about this?''

keira responds, ''uh idk I didn't think that far ahead yet but ill think of something''

sam responds, ''mk anyways cya Keira I better catch up to the pro I am internshipping with.'' sam walks off, going to catch up with the pro he's working with. meanwhile, hawks and Keira did some hero stuff like paperwork, talking with hawks fans, walking around the city to make sure everyone was safe from villains, helping Keira with improving the new move that she used during the sports festival, etc.  As the week went by the ua students learned a lot from the pros they worked with but as the week ended leaning into the weekend. then would sadly have to say goodbye to the pros who helped them. the next week then return to ua for more school work/classes and more intense hero training.

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