chapter 13- ua Shenigans

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A few weeks later,Keira would still be bothered by the events the two villain groups caused but tried to forget about it. Keira would sigh as she'd walk up to tisa. Tisa spoke,"Hello Keira,what you need?-"
Keira responded,"My gloves fell apart again. Can you make new -" tisa cuts her off,responding,"here I created backups." Tisa gave her the gloves.
Keira responded, "Oh, nice." Shed put on the new gloves. Keira then walked away from tisa. Tisa sighs,muttering,"Of course, no thanks from her."
Keira would run up to sota, the son of tomura shigaraki.
Keira yelled,"sota!-"
Sota responded, "Oh hey, kati."
Keira spoke, "You know I don't go by that anymore.."
Sota just laughed slightly and then spoke, "I'm still going to call you that either way."
Keira responded, "Whatever idiot."
Sota spoke, "I'm not a idiot hmph."
Keira responded, "Not at all." She was being sarcastic.
Keira would yawn tiredly. Sota spoke, "Keira, you should rest."
Keira responded, "No, I'm fine, sota."
Sota just sighs,Keira was too stubborn, so it was no use.
Hachiro(hatoshi name change by user again) was dragged by ash over to sota and Keira. Ash spoke, "hi keira"

Keira spoke, "Shut up ash hmph."
Sota spoke, "Keira, be nice."
Keira responded,"No, she's an alien rip off."
Sota tried not to laugh,then spoke,"Even if it's true, don't say it to her face, kati."
Keira spoke,"I don't care what you say." she gave Sota the bakugou glare.
Sota went quiet.
Sota spoke,"Whatever kati"

(Side note: sota calls her kati because that's her name she had from childhood and eventually got it changed to Keira,so sota still calls her that only her childhood friends know of that name)
"Stop calling me my old name, sota, or should I say sotsot|shed giggle|
Sota checks got slightly red he'd speak,"Don't bring that name up."
Keira spoke,"awh why not? You didn't mind when we're kids. "
Sota spoke,"Because we we're young and naive."
(Sidenote: Keira used to call him,sotsot because she couldn't say his name it was a struggle for her,plus it was adorable)
Keira spoke,"Fine, but only if you don't call me kati."
Sota spoke,"I can try, but no promises."
Keira only smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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