chapter 4- fighting for victory!| 'UA sports festival is here!' (part 1)

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A few days later, on the day of the sports festival, everyone loads on to the buses at ua and the other hero schools of japan everyone heading to where the sports festival is being held.

once everyone got there the sports festival begins with a welcome ceremony. the pro midnight speaks in front of all the students and the crowd in the stands. Keira would be looking up in the crowd of the stands to see if her dad was here but she couldn't spot him but they spotted a blonde hair-red eye male. she was annoyed that her father was there and her glare gets cold. 

midnight would then speak up. ''Keira bakugou from class 1a can you come up here and say a few words?''

keira would get up on the stage and says. ''well I would just like to say I'm going to come out on the top I'll win this!-''

 everyone would boo keira. nemu then spoke up. ''Keira why would you say that? you're representing our school and class! your vice rep of 1A you can't say something like that!'' Keira would respond to nemu.'' shut it four eyes jr I'm just saying the truth!'' A few mins later, the first round begins the obstacle course.

miyu would use her quirk to stop the others from following her, but keira, satoshi, and hachiro followed her soon after other students followed them. keira got in the lead with satoshi,hachiro, and miyu right behind her. After a while, the first round ends. All of ua 1-a students and most of 1-b  and a few 1-c students would be moving on to the next round as well as most of the students from the number 2 top hero school, 1st-year students. the next rounds follow after that, leading to the final round of the 1v1 battle.

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