Chapter 12- unexpected attack of two once heated rival groups

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tomura would say to his group and okito's group,'' today is the day that we take down this pathetic hero society!-'', all the villains would cheer and none would think that these two groups would come together for a more significant cause to crush the hero society........

tomura looked at the two groups, as toga spoke up, ''where we going first tomura-?'' toga held her knife excitedly. tomura would respond, ''toga,dabi, Kira and enya will attack ua and me,okito, Mr. compress, spinner, and twice will attack the city.''

the two groups would go to their locations, the villain alarm would set off in ua as the students look at their teacher and then at each other. kazuo would sigh then spoke up, ''im only allowing you guys to help this one time we're not sure how many villains are out there we need all the help we can get, but be careful and stay together'', Kazuo and his students then went to go attack the villains. keira and jeko and ash would find Kira hurting a student, Keira would glare at Kira, then keira speak up,'' you traitor! leave them alone'' Keira creates a ground explosion aiming for Kira but Kira would dodge as enya sneaks up on the three students using her super nova quirk on them, the three students fell to the ground.

keira would glare at enya and speak up, ''lov is working with the unknown group- I knew it I was right-''

enya would only laugh and then responds, ''your one smart girl to figure that out before we attacked'' meanwhile toga and dabi fight the pros and some 1a students. the rest of the groups would be attacking the city and fighting the other pros.

jeko would look at Kira, and speaks up,'' Kira how could you do this? what about all the good times together and all the laughs we had?-'' Kira would just shrug her shoulders in response.

ash adds to jeko comment, ''yeah aren't we your best friends, or did you just use us?-''

Keira then spoke, ''guys forget about her she choose which side she wanted to be on-''

Keira and Kira are two different people fwi)

Kira would simply walk off and enya decided to go attack the other students and walked off as well.

the three students went to their teacher, Keira spoke up, ''kazuo-sensi the unknown group and lov are working together and Kira is a traitor she with lov-''

Kazuo then sighs, then spoke up,'' thanks for the information Keira but jeko and ash go find enya and Kira and Keira go with hawks the rest of the villains are attacking the city you have one of the top 10 strongest quirks of your class I believe in you'' the three students agree and jeko and ash went to go find Kira and enya, meanwhile, Keira and hawks went to the part of the city where the rest of the group is attacking, Keira would attack the villains creating a ground explosion. tomura turned his attention to Keira and spoke, ''well well well if it isn't ground zero and red riot precious child. this is the last day you will see the light of day.''

Keira would respond, ''we'll see about that tomura your pathetic group is going down''

the villains and heroes fought for a long time but suddenly the lov group turned against the unknown group and started killing every last member of that group.

keira would mutter, ''huh- they're killing the unknown group lov used them- well-played tomura indeed well played''

the ua students and pros all seemed shocked by this, but then again the groups were rivals but still, tomura was ruthless and the unknown group never should have trusted him, tomura would watch okito bleed out, tomura spoke up, ''watching you suffer is amazing you never should have trusted me, fool I don't need help from your pathetic group''

after a couple of minutes, the unknown group was gone and the lov left for now but you never know when they'll come back which Is why the next generation of heroes must be ready for anything that's thrown at them even the most ruthless villains of the lov, this horrific scene scars the ua students and pros who saw the deaths of the other group.....
the next morning comes around and keira arrives at school she couldn't believe that kira betrayed ua like that and the fact that lov straight up killed all the unknown group members. keira would be quiet that morning as ash walked up to her. ash would say, "are you okay keira?"
keira would respond,"not really i can't believe the lov did that and kira how could she- it was so cruel-"
ash responds," i know ira it was so awful and burtal... "
keira would just frown and spoke," the lov will pay for this... it wasn't right"

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