chapter 3- getting ready for the ua sports festival!

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a few weeks later, during class, the black-haired girl would be spaced out and was bugged by the words one of the villains from the attack said to her. shed then feel someone nudging her, it is her best friend hachiro and hachiro said to keira. ''keira?-''

keira glares at hachiro, saying in a tired tone. ''hm?-''

hachiro sighs saying to keira. '' you good?.. you were spaced out''

keira sighs saying in a cold tone. ''I'm fine- don't worry about me hachiro.'' 

hachiro sighed, knowing keira was back to her normal self, turning his attention back to their homeroom teacher whom was talking about the ua sports festival. keira would decide to listen to their homeroom teacher as well.

The following morning, 1-A was up early for training. Only 2 more days until the sports festival was here.  Nemu would be giving a lecture to ash for her not listening to her class rep speak.

 keira would come up to Nemu smacking her on the back of the head, keira muttering. '' shut up Nemu it is too early in the morning for your lectures-''

Nemu would glare at keira, saying to her. '' well maybe if your friend ash here was listening to me speak I wouldn't -'' 

keira cuts Nemu off by saying to Nemu. ''none cares four eyes jr-'' Nemu walked off to her friend's satoshi bakugou and Miyu todoroki.  Hatoshi and Jeko walk over to keira and Ash the four of them training together. Later that morning Kazuo introduces the three third years aka the big three named yua bakugou the son of ejiro Kirishima and katsuki bakugou, Ashoka hanta the daughter of mina ashido and sero hanta, and tauku Togata the daughter of Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amajiki.

keira walks up to the big three, glaring coldly at her big brother Yua. Yua glares back coldly at his sister. Yua said in a cold told to his sister.  ''what do you want Keira-''

keira says back in a cold tone. '' nothing i-'' she was clearly trying to annoy her brother and it would be working as her brother would roll his eyes at his sister.

Yua says to keira coldly. ''then go away 'father favorite child' your his perfect child and yk it so go away-''

keira rolls her eyes at yua and yells at yua coldly. ''don't call me that! I'm nothing like that old hag. he can go to hell for all I care!-''

nemu looks at miyu and says to miyu. ''are those two  related or something-''

miyu responds in a raspy tired yet sarcastic tone. ''no there just fighting like siblings they ain't related at all'' 

nemu said back in a curious tone. ''really then aint siblings-''

miyu then said in an annoyed yet raspy tired tone. ''no stupid they are related-''

Yua looks at his sister responding coldly back to his sister. ''says the one who acting like him right now''

keira responds back to yua. ''says the one who has a really bad temper like him''

yua rolls his eyes again and responds to his sister. ''says the one who sensitive like dad and is a little spoiled brat like our father ''

keira said nothing more to yua, her running off clearly not in a good mood but yua just rolls his eyes not caring about her.

Kazuo asks jeko and ash to go check on keira to make sure she's okay and the two of them walk off to find keira to make sure she is okay. Nemu walks up to yua and scolds yua for hurting one of her classmate's feelings and lectures yua for not being a good role model for the first years-

yua didn't care though just rolling his eyes at nemu. nemu gave up on trying since yua was clearly not going to listen to her like keira. nemu goes to her best friends, and every one of her classmates waited for Keira, ash, and jeko to come back, not like many of their classmates cared though.

after a while, Keira, ash, and jeko come back to their class. Keira was fine now but the words her brother said to her stung like 20 bees stabbing you repeatedly. keira wouldn't speak to her older brother nor look at him as Kazuo then explains their afternoon training with the third years, then the students of ua get to training. they needed all the training they could get because there's...-

only a few more days...until one of the biggest events for future heroes of ua and other hero schools! it will be here before you know it....-

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