Preparation & Celebration

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Early in the morning of the 24th one could hear the rustling and overall mess going on inside the castle, even if you were stood all the way at the entrance of the village you'd be able to tell today was a special day. People stood on chairs, ladders, other people, whatever they could find to hoist themselves up and decorate their homes and businesses alike with the empire's beautiful colors. Purple flowers among several other decorations adorned the paths of the village. The townsfolk could be seen gathering helping eachother out braiding flowers into people's hair, exchanging clothes for the occasion, and the most dedicated one's lile Nikki even went as far as baking special themed treats to hand out at celebration time. Tommy stood in the castle, overlooking the events that unfolded before him as he carefully watched from the balcony.

"I think she would've loved it", Tommy heard a familiar voice behind him, immediately turning around and screaming, "TUBBO!" both boys had known eachother since they were young, practically growing up together. Although, ever since Kristin's death, they'd grown apart accidentaly. Being excited to see eachother they took off running towards the garden, where they found Wilbur who instantly assigned the energetic pair a task in order to keep them out of his hair.

Philza had a very busy morning, and he knew his day was only going to get more hectic as time went on. He decided to let himself have 5 minutes of rest while he could, and headed for the throne room in order to admire the art in it once more. Meanwhile Techno stood on edge, he'd busied himself by making sure to check all if not most of the possible entrances and, or break-in points in the castle. There was something about today that made him feel uneasy, he just couldn't pinpoint what.

The bell echoed loudly through the empire, before Phil began his speech, "Welcome everyone! I would like to thank you in behalf of the royal family for joining us today, please remember we are not mourning death, we are celebrating life. Have fun everyone!" Fireworks could be heard in the background as the dark sky lit up with beautiful vibrant colors.

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