Enough is Enough

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Meanwhile, the newly crowned king struggled. He's always been one to hide his emotions, yet hiding the devastation of your father's death, that's another story. Not only that, the voices were back, eternally nagging with an endless array of taunts. "Technolate" they'd chant, even if he got to a meeting early, "Wait so he's an orphan now?","L", the voices would even

talk amongst themselves, there really was no shutting them up. And yet even if it seemed that was the worst part of it all, there's no need to forget, war. Techno was a great warrior, and he led a great army, yet being king meant he could no longer risk fighting the war himself.

For months the kingdom had been fighting a seemingly endless war, and quite frankly, Techno had had enough. He pondered on it for a few days, possibly a week before making his decision final. On

the bright, sunny morning of the 24th, exactly 3 months after their own, dreaded 24th, he dressed himself in his nicest clothes, adorned with all sorts of jewels and fancy, tiny golden chains, he headed towards his enemy's kingdom. He was finally putting an end to this whole affair. He headed to the castle's armory, carefully placing each piece of armor on himself delicately, taking his time before heading towards the weapons. He stood there,

staring at his reflection in the netherite sword as the enchantments on it made it look as if he was staring at his reflection on water. He dismounted his sword for the wall, before sheathing it and leaving for the stables. Once there, he mounted his horse, not before saying goodbye to his friends and family, before promptly disappearing into the sunset. 

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