chapter 4

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Playing family... with a player

Chapter 4

Jesse POV:

We, finally, reached the plaza hotel. The trip to New York was awkward, especially since the... erm... 'Incident', I didn't talk to Anna much and she didn't talk to me. She chuckled at the memory of what happened, once in a while, and that would just vex me off even more.

When we entered the hotel, I was so shocked. It was so extravagant. (A/N: I've never been to the plaza hotel so I'm just making it up!) It had a tiled cream floor, with matching cream walls, giving the lime green coloured furniture that made it stand-out. Then it had massive chandeliers dashed around on the ceiling, and a big, long, red carpet leading it's way to the reception, to book in. I heard loads of gasps behind me as we made our way to the green sofa' while Mary and another teacher made their way over to the reception. We all took seats but still people remained un-seated. Some settled on the floor, but rest remained standing. I looked at the bunch standing and noticed Anna was standing. I looked at the way her whole weight was put onto one side and because she was leaning on only one leg, her hair kept exposing in front of her face and she would constantly put it back, I was admiring her small perspective moves that I didn't notice someone come up to me,

"Hey baby, mind if I sit with you, I have no-where to sit." Jessica said, while pouting. She couldn't even pout properly; I mean she looked like she came out of a very disabled kiss, if I must say. I know I'm being harsh, but you what they say, 'the truth hurts'.

"Erm... well, if you have no-where, why don't you sit with Jack, your partner." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. Her pout turned into a disgusted frown.

"HIM? He is the geek of geeks, I can't believe I got paired up with him," she said, with that I burst out laughing. What? It's funny!

"It's not that funny you know!" I stopped my hysterics. Then my head flashed image of Anna, I knew exactly what to do, to get Jess off my back.

"Actually sharing isn't such a bad idea." I said, Jessica' frown instantly lit up and she put on a flirt-ish smile. I smiled back and got up, not too worried about anyone taking my seat. No-one who even dare!

I saw Jessica' face from confusion to anger as I got closer to Anna! She was talking to a girl, and looked like she was in a pretty intense convocation.

"So sorry to stop your little convocation, but can I take my wifey for a while." The girl nodded quickly and Anna shot me a glare. I motioned for her to follow me, but she stood still. I grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Jessica was still in the same position I left her in. wow, she' in shock. I sat down and pulled Anna to sit on my lap. They all gave me a very odd look. I know what they thinking. 'Why the hell has the biggest player just grabbed the most unattractive girl ever to live, to sit with him?' I mean, I would've been shocked too, if that was one of my mates, but, I have a feeling that in this trip, I'm definitely going to change her, he style, her look, her view.

Mary came back, Jessica had eventually sat with one of my friends, boy, and she has to get a life. Mary told us everything was set and she gave us our room number and key. You get a duplicate key, which the other partner gets. We all sat in the lounge, which was reserved just for us.

"Right guys... and girls," Mary started as everyone quieted down. "As you know, this trip is to be a family. So you need a baby. The mother' will come up, one by one and pick out a slip from this box," she picked up a cardboard box labeled 'babies'. "So come on up." Everyone went by. You could either get;

Girl/boy, healthy/unhealthy, and the age!

It was finally time for Anna to go, even though she shows that she doesn't like being here, she was still very excited to know what her- our baby was going to be. She reached her hand into the box and pulled out a piece of paper, she read it and smiled widely. She sat down! I know, she could have said it out loud but, they all got a choice of keeping it to themselves, if they didn't feel comfortable with telling everyone. I reached out my hand for the slip, but she slapped my hand away and gave me a warning look. I huffed and crossed my arms. We were finally dismissed and went to find our rooms. Anna had the paper of the room and the slip and everything I had to carry, including the luggage.

"Erm... mind helping me?" I questioned. She turned around and sent me a sly smirk. Confusion crossed my face. She walked over to me and took... THE KEYS! Ugh!

"Does that help?" she smirked then turned around and started walking once again. She congested, in front of a door. She turned the key into the lock and it clicked open. We walked in, and I couldn't hold in a gasp. This place was amazing.

Anna POV:

We walked into the room, and I was shocked for words. It was amazing. So clean and fresh, and let's not forget, huge! Jesse put the entire luggage on the bed. I had heavy bags, well, do you blame me, we staying here for a year.

"Thanks for the help!" Jesse puffed sarcastically.

"Oh, don't mention it!" I said, playing along. He rolled his eyes and then grabbed the slip from my hand. He saw it, and his face lit up, I bet mine looked exactly the same. Oh lord, I probably looked so stupid.

"Aww, I always wanted a boy, and he's healthy being 6 months. Awesome!" I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. But, right now, I didn't see the player Jesse that ran after every living thing that had the feminine genes, no, I saw a very proud father that thought made me laugh even more. He gave me a confused look and I just shook my head.  

I jumped onto the bed, until reality hit me. There is only one bed.

"Jesse?" I said, putting hints of innocence in my voice.

"Hmm?" he said, whilst unpacking his stuff.

"Where you sleeping?" he stopped what he was doing and looked at me. That look said 'you have to be serious,'

"Gee, I don't know, maybe. The. Bed." He said, separating the words as if I was a little kid. I pouted at him and a familiar look toke over his eyes, a look I knew just couldn't put a finger on.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Mary came in, we both gave her a 'hello' and she said it back.

"Guys, just wanted to let you know, see the trip was formally free, but we can't afford everything for everyone, so... I'm afraid you're going to have to pay, or... you have to go back home." My face suddenly fell.

"H...How M...Much?" I choked out.

"Well, 100 pounds." She said. My face fell even more. I swear I probably looked like a ghost. Mary left and Jesse noticed my down mood.    

 "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, worry coating his voice. Should I tell him or not?

  "Well, I won't be able to afford this trip. I mean, my parents aren't that rich. The cost is too much. I guess I'm not passing this class after all!" I don't know why I told him the truth, but I felt as if I could trust him. I felt a tear escape my eye and Jesse' hand immediately went to my face and wiped it away. I looked at him and smiled gratefully. He smiled back.

"Well, I'm your husband right! I have a right to help!" he said, it wasn't a question, more like statement. I shook my head.

"No, Jesse I don't want your help!" I stated but he didn't listen, just went back to unpacking.

Jesse POV:

"No, Jesse I don't want your help!" she stated but I just went back to unpacking.

I felt so bad for her, and even if she couldn't afford it. No wonder she got into the school. I know she doesn't want me to help, but I must! I don't want her to leave. But if I do help, and pay for her, won't she get upset?

Will she agree to stay, when she finds out?

Will she talk to me ever?

Will she hate me?


Will she actually be grateful?

Oh god, what should I do?


You guys decide,

What should Jesse do?

 Should he pay for her or not?

Please remember to vote, comment and fan.

~~love ya~~

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