Chapter 12

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Playing family... With a player!

Chapter 12

Anna POV:

I had just finished putting a crying baby doll named cameron to sleep, even though he was a doll I adored him and the little baby kept me occupied from... Other thoughts! Ugh and I swore I wouldn't say HIS name or even think about HIM! he'd hurt me so bad, I gave him something so important- but no point bawling my eyes over that now! What's done is done.

The door handle jiggled slightly and then turned down, and soon the door opened allowing an emotionless player into the room. I just chose to ignore him, I had rang autumn before and she told me that operation 'playing Jesse' is ago, tommorrow. She specifically told me not to talk to him at ANY circumstances! I can't let her down!

I turned off the lights as Jesse continued to undress, okay I know that was a little immature but I just couldn't help it! I heard him let out a long sigh but he made no move to turn the lights back on.

Several minutes later I felt the bed dip on the opposite side and I could hear a slow, rythmetic sound beating and I knew Jesse was asleep. I felt my eyes starting to close and I soon realized it had been such a drastic day!

Before I fell into a pit of darkness, one thought lingered in my head!

'how come Jesse had taken the side of a crazy girl, probably an ex, instead of me' even if I was a play toy for him, I still meant something to him, right?

**next morning**

I woke up to the sound of cam crying from the baby monitor, I was about to get up and see what he needed when I heard a deep, masculine voice speak into the monitor,

"Shhhhh, daddy's here, shhh what is it? Shhh mommy's sleeping!"

Jesse tried and tried solacing the little doll baby but it just wouldn't shut up and eventually i'd had enough! I stomped out of bedroom and went straight into cam's! There I saw Jesse making the most wierd faces at cam that if I wasn't angry at him, I'd so be laughing right now!

I pushed Jesse out of the way and held cam, he immediently went quiet but then started again and I soon figured out why he was crying!

"Aw is the poor baby hungry, don't worry mummy's going to make you something to eat!" I walked out of the room with cam not even bothering to acknolegde Jesse's presence!

Jesse POV:

I can't believe it she just brushed me off, as if I didn't exsist! If only I could talk to her but I know Anna too well, she wouldn't listen to thing I say, so what's the point?

I was beyond pissed that she totally ignored me though! Okay I kinda deserve it, but still! Without thinking, I walked out of the suite and down to the lobby! I reached the main door and Mary stopped me! What the hell is this women doing awake at such an early time? I gave a forced smile,

"Jesse, where are you going?" she asked me.

"Oh you know, out and about, actually I kinda needed some air, it gets stuffy in those suites!" I half-lied! Of course it doesn't get stuffy, they have AC's. She gave me a sympothetic smile,

"Things not working out with you and Anna? Well don't worry she'll come round!" and before I could answer she walked off!

'Yeah I wish' I thought 'Anna and come round? Sorry Mary you don't know her like I do.'


Ugh, sorry I know crappy chapter but thats the best I can do so late! I just wanted to get this little piece done, got a ton of homework!

Anyway, let me know how you like it,

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2011 ⏰

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