Chapter 7: What?!

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-Third Person-

The boy turned around a corner, running onto the street. Since he was out of the more rural part of the city, he had to avoid more people. He ran through the crowd as best as he could. He had to make it before sundown or the others would be angry. All he had on his mind, though, was the duel he wanted and the duelist he wanted to have it with. A smile was playing on his face, but something he heard through the noise of the crowd made that diminish.

He stopped, turning around. What he had heard was a voice, but it sounded familiar to him. Back tracking, he caught the voice again.

“You’re bleeding.”

No doubt. He recognized that voice.

Looking to where it had come from, he realized he was around the port area. The voice came from around the corner just ahead of him. He ran around it quickly, not expecting to see what he did.

-Tashira’s POV-

I was growing nervous as the officer put a band-aid over the cut on my cheek. He’d had a travel first-aid kit on him, and had taken it out almost as soon as he’d pointed out my small wound.

So many questions were going through my mind. Where’s Toni? Is he alright? What will I do? How can I get away?

The officer smiled to me. His smile was king and somehow helped to calm me slightly.

“How did you get caught up with that group?” He asked. His voice wasn’t strict or rough like other Securities I’d heard before. It was more caring and soft.

I looked away, not wanting to say anything. I wasn’t about to tell a Security, kind or cruel, what had happened, especially since it did include going against the officers. “It’s none of your business.”

I heard him give a light chuckle. “Are you the oldest Shozu daughter by any chance?” I looked back at him in shock and surprise. Sure, many Securities could recognize my family, but that’s because we were around them the whole time. I didn’t recognize him though, so I assumed he was one of the regular patrol Securities around here. Maybe I was wrong?

“I am,” I answered, and then asked, “but how do you know me?”

His smile seemed to brighten as he spoke. “My younger brother talks about you a lot. He’s always looked up to you since he first saw you duel.”

“W-What?” My brows furrowed together in confusion. Someone looks up to me? It reminded me what my parents had said about Careen before. “Who is it?”

“Hm? You mean, you don’t know?” The officer looked surprised. “Well, I suppose he doesn’t talk about me half as much.” He chuckled.

“Um…Speaking of which, who are you?”

“Ah, right. I’m Avery. It’s nice to finally meet you, Ms. Tashira.”

“No formalities, please…” I mumbled slightly. Formalities made me feel a bit insecure for some reason.

“Haha, alright.” He stood back up. “Why don’t we get you home then? Or are you all right on your own?”

Before I got to respond, another, this time familiar, voice interrupted us.

“I think she can get home just fine herself.”

Turning towards the voice, my eyes widened.


It was indeed him. He was standing there, arms crossed. But he wasn’t looking at me. No, he was glaring at the officer.

I thought he was on the run?! Why is he here? Won’t he get caught?

“Oh, Toni. What a pleasant surprise,” Avery said, though he didn’t sound very surprised.

“Nice to see you too, Avery,” Toni responded. There was a tense atmosphere between the two. I looked back and forth between the two, starting to get really worried. What could I do to get Toni away? This was obviously going to end bad…

“T-Toni, maybe you should go home…” I tried to say to him, but he cut me off barely letting me finish.

“And leave you with him? Why would I do that?” He still wasn’t looking at me.

“Because you could get in trouble.”

“Aren’t I already in trouble?”

“W-Well I don’t want you arrested!”

“And why would I arrest him?” Avery asked. I looked up at him.

“Aren’t the Securities after him…?” I asked.

The young officer smiled softly to me. “Maybe so, but we aren’t going to arrest him. There’s no way we could at the moment.”

“What do you mean?” This was just making me even more confused…

“Do you remember how I told you about my younger brother?”

“Yes, but what does that have to do anything?”

“Well, the Securities can’t arrest Toni since he’s related to me.”

“Related…?” Wait…Related? Younger brother? That would mean… I looked at Toni, then at Avery, then back at Toni. It can’t be…

“You’re brother is a Security?!” I exclaimed suddenly, eyes widened. My friend’s brother was a Security and he didn’t tell me? But, it’s unheard of that any Satellite resident had become a Security. So then, that would have to mean…

“And you must be from the city, aren’t you?”

Toni looked away from me. “So what if I am?” He didn’t seem to care that I knew, nor to think that it was important.

I stayed silent. Why? Why didn’t you tell me? Does anyone else know? Or is this a secret you didn’t want out? Do you even understand how big this is?

“Ah, Ms. Tashira?” Avery cut through my thoughts. “Are you alright?”

I looked up at him, and gave him a small shaky smile. “Uh, yes… Actually, I have to go now. My parents will be worried since it’s almost dark out.”

“Of course.” He nodded. “I hope to see you again soon then.”

I nodded. “Same here. And thank you, for helping me.”

“Whatever will keep the residents safe.” He smiled and waved slightly as I started walking away. I gave a small wave back and turned around, after which I changed to a light run. I ran past Toni, not offering any words.

The worst part?

Neither did he.

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