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Rhydian wakes up to his alarm. He jumps out of bed and hides on the side of the wall next to the door. When Maddie went to walk in the room. She noticed he wasn't there so she walked a little farther into the room. Then Rhydian grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. Maddie screamed so loud everyone in the house heard.
I wasn't trying to scare Maddie but I did. She was so scared and I felt bad. But I noticed I never heard her scream before it was so high-pitched I never heard her sound like that.
I go into Rhydian's room to scare him and he's not there. I walk in and he grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I screamed so loud I dont think I ever screamed like that before. After I felt really stupid.
Maddie playfully smacked Rhydian. Then he gently tackled her on the bed.
M-Dont ever scare me like that again. I think me mum and dad are probably awake now.
R-I never heard you scream before its was so funny.
Rhydian starts laughing. Then Maddie kisses him.
M-Good Morning.
Then they hear someone coming upstairs so they sit up on the bed. It was Emma.
E-Im about sick of you to every morning all I hear are people running around all the way from downstairs. Also Maddie your dad was heating the car up to leave and he said he heard you all the way outside. If it happens one more time your both gonna take turns sleeping in the den for a week. It gets cold down there when your not in wolf form.
R-Mrs.Smith it was my fault. I scared Maddie and made her scream.
E-Dont do it again okay.
M-Yes mum
R-Yes Mrs.Smith.
E-Just call me Emma.
Emma heads back downstairs and starts to make breakfast.
M-Nice one Rhydian.
R-Its not all my fault your the one who was going to try to scare me first. But I have a solution how about we call a truce.
M-Sure no more waking each other up and if you do you have to do it nicely. No jumping on or scaring each other.
M-You know what today is. We have to work a six our shift but luckily we get paid today so on our break we could go on to a nice restaurant it could be a date. But we have to give me mum $80. So I'll give her $40 and you can give her the other $40. Then we can you some of the leftover money to get you new clothes and we can save our leftover money until next week. I remembered what next Friday is incase you were wondering, I didn't forget.
R-Yup me birthday I'm gonna be 18 and this is our senior year is perfect then we can go to college together but I dont know how to pay for it.
M-Dont worry Rhydian my mum and dad set up college funds for both of us. By the time we finish school there will be enough money for both of us to go to college.
R-Thats good. Now go get dressed its 7:30 and were gonna be late if you dont hurry up.
M-Me hurry up your telling me to hurry up and your shirtless in your bed.
R-Oh I totally forgot I didn't have a shirt on. Also some studies show girls take longer to choose an outfit than boys.
M-And how do you know this?
R-It was a link on the web and I clicked it and that's what popped up. Now go get dressed.
M-Fine bossy much.
R-I heard that.
They get dressed and head out the door. But before they leave Maddie yells to her mum and says they probably wont be home until 11:30. They skip breakfast and go right to school. The school day goes by fast they head right to the pizza place. They work the whole 5 hours without a break. Then they take a small 15 minute break.They finish up and get there pay checks.
They quickly eat, pay and get into the car to leave they are both exhausted.
M-Can you please drive? Please?
They get in the car ready to leave but the car wont start. They try over and over again but it doesnt work.
M-Theres no use its not gonna start lets just walk.
R-I dont want to walk I'm exhausted.
M-Yeah me too. But the car is never going to start ill have my dad work on it in the morning. At least its parked so it wont get towed.
This is gonna be a long walk its like a mile up the road.
They get halfway down the road and it starts pouring.
M-You have to be kidding me. It really had to start raining.
They start running and Maddie starts to get hot so she takes off her coat and sweater. But then she realized she was wearing a white shirt and she had a black bra on.
M-Oh crap.
Rhydian looked at her to see what's wrong and he didn't notice at first but once he did he started to laugh.
M-Rhydian its not funny.
She turned red and started to cry and sat down on the road.
R-Madds its okay I dont care that your shirt is see through.
M-Its not okay do you even know how embarrising this is. Me shirt is see through and your right here looking at me.
R-Madds it could be worse. What if your pants were see through?
Maddie couldn't help but laugh she know he did it on purpose. He stopped and Maddie noticed she did to.
R-Maddie I have an idea if it would make you feel better I could take my shirt off and give it to you? So you wouldn't be embarrassed.
M-Are you serious? Your really gonna walk around shirtless.
R-Yeah I'm serious. Why do you think I said it? Its not like anybody is around here.
M-Sure I guess that would make me feel better.
They get home and Maddie's parents are sleeping already. They go to the laundry room.
M-Gimme your wet clothes. I'll dry your clothes for you since you gave me your shirt. Wait go change and bring down your dirty laundry.
They both go up stairs and get changed. Then they bring down all there dirty laundry and Maddie puts them together in the washer.
There both exhausted so they just turn on the tv and lay on the couch. Then Maddie cuddled up next to Rhydian and accidently fell asleep on Rhydian's chest. Soon after they were both asleep.
They didn't wake up until 10:30 the next morning.

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