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Maddie wakes up to her alarmclock ringing at 6 in the morning.
M-Crap I forgot to reset the clock. It's the weekend Rhydian is probably not awake.
Maddie gets up runs into Rhydian's room and pounces on him. He immediately wakes up.
R-Madds. What's going on?
M-Good morning. I woke you up because I have to show you around. There is so many places I have to show you. You have to see your knew school, some work places, some really romantic spots. Also we have a dinner tonight and we have to do a whole bunch of stuff so maybe if we finish all that we will have more time.
R-Oh ok. Well we have to get dressed and eat breakfast so lets go.
Rhydian gets up with no shirt on. Maddie trys not to stare but can't help.
M-I see you've been working out nice abs.
Rhydian starts to blush but stops and replies to the statement.
R-Oh uh yeah thanks. Ill see you in 15 minutes.
M-Yeah Ill meet you downstairs.
Maddie hurry to her room throws on a cute outfit, brushes her teeth, does her make up and goes downstairs. On the other hand Rhydian just finds a okay outfit, fixes his hair, brushes his teeth and heads downstairs.
E-You guys are up bright and early. Dont you know its the weekend.
M-Well we have a lot to do today.
E-Here I made you both some frenchtoast and bacon. There's orange juice in the fridge if your thirsty.
M-Thanks mom. We'll be heading out soon we might be back a little bit after 8.
E-Okay Im fine with that but no funny business okay.
M-Yeah mom I know. Rhydian are you ready.
R-Yeah come on lets go.
Note: they have their drivers licenses
M-I forgot me keys Ill be right back get in.
R-Okay you have a very nice car.
Maddie comes back ready to go.
R-So where are we going first.
M-I was thinking we could go shopping because you barely have any clothes.
R-Sure but Madds I haven't got any money.
M-Thats okay me mum gave me some its not that much but it will be enough.
They go to a plaza with girl and guy clothing. Immediately Maddie runs into the girls clothing store.
M-I just want to get something pretty for tonight. Will you help me pick it out.
R-Sure. But you look beautiful in everything.
M-Thanks but Dont make me blush.
They laugh together and the Maddie gives Rhydian a kiss and Rhydian gives her a hug.
M-Okay im gonna try on this and this.
She picks out a black cocktail dress with a golden belt. She also picks out a red dress with a studded belt and a leather jacket.
M-Im going to try these on wait here.
Maddie comes out in the red dress first.
M-What do you think?
R-Let me see the other one.
Maddie goes and trys it on.
M-Oh crap. Can you come and zip me up.
R-Yeah of course.
Very nervously Rhydian zips up her dress. His hands shaking like crazy.
M-What do you think of this one?
R-I love it. That's the one.
M-Okay lets go pay.
Next they go to the guy clothing store.
R-Can you just pick me out an outfit. Im not that good with fashion.
Maddie walks around browsing the racks.
M-Here this is perfect. Try it on.
R-What do I look like?
M-You look very, very handsome. Its perfect.
They pay and bring their bags to the car. The next place they go to is is a pizza place that's looking for workers. They get interviewed and are hired.
M-Mark that on your calendar we start on Tuesday at 4:45. We can't be late. Lets go home and get ready I have everything planned.
As there driving home Maddie starts acting really weird. Rhydian knows something is up.
M-When your ready meet me on the mountain but dont come until I call you okay.
Maddie hurries and gets ready packs up the basket and races to the mountain. She packed a picnic blanket, some candles, chocolate strawberries, and some sandwiches, with some orange soda because that's Rhydian's favorite.
Maddie calls Rhydian. It doesn't even ring once before he answers.
M-You can come up now. Im ready.
R-Finally. Ill be up in 5 minutes.
M-Ill see you.
Rhydian races up the mountain full of excitement and nervousness. Then he sees the candles and the picnic that Maddie had set up.
R-Madds it's amazing. I love it and I love you. Happy first date.
He sits down and gives her a kiss.
M-So would you like some orange soda, a sandwich, or a chocolate covered strawberry.
R-A chocolate covered strawberry sounds really good right now.
M-Perfect here you go.
She feeds him the chocolate covered strawberry and then he feeds her one. They eat, drink, talk, and kiss the whole time.
R-Okay I just have one thing that I need you to tell anybody who asks okay.
M-Yeah what?
R-I going to consider that our first date not our real first date.
M-Sure im cool with that. But I know one thing I shouldn't have worn heels. My feet are hurting so bad I dont want to walk any more.
R-I can carry you.. If you want of course.
Rhydian picks her up very gently. She lays her head on his shoulder and kisses his neck.
M-Thank you Rhydian. Your the best boyfriend ever.
R-And you are the best girlfriend that anyone could ask for. I love you.
M-I love you to. But I think you should put me down now were almost home and I dont want me parents to get the wrong idea. They probably wouldn't let us go out again.
They get home and go to their rooms.
M-I love you Rhydian
In return Rhydian turns around and gives her a passionate kiss that lasts for about a minute.
R-I love you way more.
M-Are you sure about that?
R-Goodnight Madds.
Maddie goes into her room getting ready for bed feeling very in love. Like she was just swept off of her feet.

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