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This is Rhydian's first day at the new school in Canada. He's very anxious to see what it's like. Maddie said she would show him around.
M-Let me see your schedule. I want to see if we have any of the same classes.
R-Sure here you go.
Maddie looks over his schedule and smiles. Then she hands it back to him.
M-Rhydian we have all the same classes together so I won't have a problem showing you around. But some of these teachers are very strict. So watch it. You have to stay calm about whatever you do.
R-I know Madds but that won't be a problem because you keep me sane. I'm more calm when your around.
M-So your saying if I wasn't here you'd be getting in trouble.
R-Possibly Madds. But we better hurry in side if we don't want to be late. The class starts at 8 o'clock and it's 7:58.
M-I agree let's go.
They race inside and get there just in time.
M-Hi Miss we have a new student.
Teacher-Class we have a new student. What is your name? Where are you from?
R-Rhydian Morris I'm from a town called Stonybridge.
T-Since you know Maddie so well you can take a seat next to her.
R-Thanks miss.
Rhydian and Maddie take their seats get unpacked and hold each others hands. Then the whole class starts making "ooh" noises.
Class-Looks like Maddie's got a boyfriend.
Rhydian smiles at Maddie and squeezes her hand a little and she squeezes back. Their classes pass and finally it's lunch time.
M-Come on Rhydian over here. How are you liking Canada?
R-It's okay I just haven't had time to warm up yet. But the best place I ever lived was Stonybridge I loved it there.
M-Yeah me too. We had all of our mates, the den, everything was perfect.
Suddenly a boy approaches the table they are sitting at. It was really weird because they weren't used to the attention.
Kevin-Hey do you play any sports or were you in any clubs? At your old school.
R-I played futbol for a little but it's not really me thing. I'm not interested in joining any clubs right now.
K-If you ever change your mind just come see me there is a couple spots on the team.
Kevin leaves and Rhydian starts looking around.
R-Maddie what's for lunch today.
M-Today it's all sandwiches.
R-What kind of sandwich do you want? I'll go and get it for you.
M-Ham and turkey please and an apple juice.
Rhydian goes and gets his and Maddie's food. He comes back and Maddie gives him a kiss on the cheek.
M-Thanks babe. I don't know why but I'm starving. Are you?
R-Yeah. It must be because we skipped breakfast.
M-Yeah probably but if we finish before lunch is over I could give you a tour of the whole building. I show you all the classes you have to go just in case I'm not here one day.
R-Yeah Madds that's good. But how much time do we have left I just want to go home. I just want to relax and watch tv and chill with you.
M-Yeah I know we only have about an hour left. It will be over before you know it. Okay just wait a little while.
Finally the day ends. Rhydian and Maddie pack up and head out.
M-Do you want to take the bus or run home?
R-We should run home I need some excersise.
M-I'm gonna have to disagree do you see how muscular you are. Look in the mirror.
R-Thanks Madds but I just want to run with you for a little bit. We haven't done that in a long time.
M-I know.
She pushes him playfully and he barely moves.
M-Race ya.
They race home Rhydian notices that Maddie has gotten a lot faster. Maybe even faster than him. They finally get home and Maddie wins.
R-You've gotten quicker I used to be way faster than you.
M-Yup. I have a lot more room to run around out here.
They get inside get some snacks and sit on the couch.
M-Do you want to watch a movie?
R-Yeah. What do you have?
M-A scary movie or a funny movie?
Maddie puts in the disc and sits next to Rhydian. They cuddle up next to each other. Then about 20 minutes into the movie a very scary part comes on. Maddie jumps and Rhydian holds her hand. She kisses him and lays her head on his shoulder getting even closer to him. Then they slowly drift off to sleep. They wake up to Emma screaming at them to come eat dinner. They wake up very surprised they fell asleep. They go to the table and get their plates.
D-So what have you guys been doing all day.
M-We went to school came home, watched a movie and dozed off. It was a very relaxing day.
D-Nice im glad you 2 had a relaxing day while I was at work shoveling and salting millions of driveways. Im glad winter is almost over.
M-Dad I know you work hard. But were gonna start chipping in. Tomorrow me and Rhydian start working at the pizzeria. We will make 6 dollars an hour and get paid every Friday. Also if you guys need my paycheck I will gladly give it to you.
Maddie kicks Rhydian in the leg.
R-So will I.
E-I won't rob you of your whole paycheck but all I ask is 80 dollars a month. Also you need to keep your grades up and do your chores.
M-Thats okay mum we promise that we will obey your rules.
They finish and head up to bed. Maddie gives Rhydian a kiss and gives him a big hug.
M-After school we can get something to eat before we go to work. I dont know if I could last that whole time if I was hungry.
R-Sure madds goodnight. I love you.
M-Love you too.

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