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Rhydian bought an alarmclock and set it even earlier than Maddie's. Her's is set to 6:30 so he set his to 6:10. This time he wasn't going to let her wake him up again this time it was his turn. He got up put on a shirt and slowly made his way into her room. He watched her for about 20 seconds. Then he got on her bed and jumped right next to her pillow. By him doing this she was bouncing up and down. But she didn't  wake up. So he gently jumped on her. Then she finally woke up.
I was going to run in and jump on Maddie but I didn't want to hurt her. So I silently went into her room on my tiptoes. But then I noticed that she looked so peaceful sleeping. She was so beautiful and calm. I started to feel bad but I did it anyway. I got right next to her pillow and jumped on her bed. She didn't even budge. So I gently jumped on her.
M-Rhydian I'm supposed to wake you up.
R-Not today I set an alarm on my phone.
This is very suckish I wake Rhydian up every morning. But today he set an alarm and woke me up. I know he did it on purpose just to get under my skin. I know I have to get him back. Tomorrow I'll set my alarm even earlier. He won't even see it coming.
Rhydian gives her a kiss. And then he lays next to her.
R-You need to get up and get dressed I wanted to do something before we go to school.
M-Okay go get dressed and I'll be down in 10 minutes.
Maddie and Rhydian get finished at the same time and they race down the stairs. Laughing and giggling the whole time.
E-You guys are up earlier than usual. You look so happy and cute together.
M-Mum really. You have to bring that up. What is there to eat?
E-Not really pet maybe you and Rhydian can go and pick something up on the way to school. You'll have time it's only 6:45. But do not be late for school. If you are your both grounded for 2 weeks.
M-Okay mum.
R-Madds you ready to go?
M-Yeah lets go.
They go outside and get in the car. Maddie starts driving but doesn't know where to go so she pulls over on the side of the road.
M-Where are we going exactly?
R-I don't know. Is there any place around here that's just like Bernie's.
M-Yeah there's this place called Sally's its like a mile down the road. It wont take long.
R-Sure but I still dont have any money we start today but dont get paid until Friday.
M-Rhydian its okay I still have some money left over.
R-I just dont like you paying for everything. The boyfriend is supposed to pay for the girlfriend. I feel helpless.
M-Rhydian I'm okay with paying for you. You just got here a couple of days ago its not like your going to be rich. Also you dont always have to pay for me. I can pay for you sometimes. I dont want you to feel helpless but its okay.
R-Its not okay Madds. It doesn't feel right. I dont want you to do everything for me.
M-Rhydian its okay.
She takes his hand and kisses him. For some reason he starts sniffling.
M-Rhydian are you okay?
She looks at him and there is a tear on his face. Then she gives him another hug.
R-Maddie I love you so much and you do so much for me but I never do anything for you. I dont know what I'd would do without you.
M-You do so much things for me. You been a great friend to me, a great boyfriend, you saved me from Alric. But just because you didn't pay for me doesn't mean that you dont do anything. Okay promise me you wont think that way.
R-I promise.
Maddie drives to Sally's. They are silent the whole ride.
We were driving to Sally's and Rhydian started crying. He was only sniffling and one little tear but it surprised me. I never really saw him cry before except the day I left. That's when I realized he really loved me and cared about me. I knew why he said I love you all the time. He really meant it and that made me so, so happy.
I felt really stupid crying in front of Maddie. But I know she cares about me. She comforted me and made me feel a lot better. She's always there for me I really love her. She's the best. I just love her so much. I can't stop saying it.
Sally-Hi. What can I get you?
M-I'll have bacon and eggs with some orange juice please.Rhydian what are you getting?
R-I'll have the same
M-So how are you liking the school?
R-Its okay.
They eat and talk. But they have to pay and rush out. Its 7:50.
M-We only have 10 minutes. Next time we go out to eat lets do it after school. We can make it. Hopefully we aren't late.
R-Yeah remember what your mum said we will be grounded.
M-Yeah I know.
They get there just in time.
They go to their classes then lunch.
M-Rhydian whenever there's a full moon we have to take the day off or work a shorter shift. I dont want to wolf-out at the pizza place.
R-Yeah. But I have a question. What do you do for the full moon anyway.
M-My mum turned the basement into a den its just like the other one but its even bigger. There's a lot more room to run around. But if you want we could sneak out and experience the fall moon in the woods.
R-That would be great but we would probably get grounded. Your mum said we wouldn't be able to spend time together.
M-I know we get paid every Friday we can give me mum the $80 then and Saturday is the full moon. Luckily we have dont have to work this Saturday. We get one day off a week and it can be any day we want we just have to inform the boss.
R-Wow that's weird. Great.
Lunch ends and they finish the school day they head outside to get into the car. But Rhydian stops Maddie when she's about to get on the drivers side.
M-What are you doing?
R-I wanted to drive you, you take me everywhere.
They get in the car and arrive at the pizza place at 4:30. They work until 8:30 then they head home.
M-You want to drive again? I'd be glad if you want to I'm so tired. I didn't think making pizzas was so hard.
R-Sure I'll drive.
They get in the car and drive home as Rhydian is driving Maddie doses off. They get there and Rhydian trys to wake up Maddie but she's to tired and doesn't wake up.
R-Madds were home. Madds. She's not waking up anytime soon I'll just have to carry her. He picks her up and brings her to her room. He takes off her coat, shoes, and jacket. Then he lays her in bed and tucks her in. He gives her a kiss on the forehead.
R-Goodnight Madds I love you.
But before Rhydian goes to bed he sets his alarm for 6 o'clock because he knows Maddie was going to get him back.

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