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Maddie gets up and goes to make breakfast for everybody. When she comes downstairs she finds a note. It says:
Me and your dad are going to talk to Segolia and see if they can get us back in Stonybridge. We might be gone until next week but we will see you when we get home. Have a nice night hopefully we will come home with good news.
Mum and Dad
Maddie smiled with excitement and then Rhydian came down.
M-Did Tom wake up yet?
R-No but soon. Why are you so excited?
M-Read this.
She hands him the note and he reads it and then a smile appears on his face. He walks over to her and hugs her for a long time.
M-I might be able to go home. Everything can be normal again. I could go back to school.
R-Yeah. I know Whitewood is done searching for you but what about Alex Kincaid. Nobody knows where he is he just disappeared.
M-I know that but Segolia will take care of that. They won't let us go back until everything is back to normal.
R-Okay lets go check on Tom. He should be waking up by now.
They go up the stairs into Rhydian's room. Maddie hides outside her door with the camera ready to take a video. Then Rhydian lays back down and pretends to sleep. Tom wakes up and sees the Oreos on the stand and shakes Rhydian.
T-Why are these up here mate?
R-I had some last night I was hungry. You can have some if you want.
T-Thanks mate now I don't have to get up.
R-Your so lazy.
T-You know it.
Tom opens up the package of Oreos and pops one in his mouth. Then he makes a weird face and starts panting because the toothpaste is hot. Then he runs in the bathroom and spits it out. Maddie can't help but laugh and she reveals herself from her hiding place. While Tom goes to the bathroom Maddie runs and gets Shaun.She shows her the video and Shan starts laughing very loud. Then Tom runs in the room and tackles Maddie and Shannon on the bed. Then Rhydian here's the commotion and comes and joins in the dog pile. Then he gets up realizing that Maddie is a the bottom getting squished by all of them.
M-I can't breathe. Get off.
R-Okay everyone off lets go eat breakfast.
M-Oh crap the food. I totally forgot about it. Hurry!
They all run downstairs hoping that the food is not on fire but when they get there that's exactly what it is. Rhydian starts growling and puts Maddie behind him trying to protect her. Maddie starts to growl, her eyes turn yellow, and the veins start crawling up her neck.
R-Hurry! Shan, Tom do something Maddie is transforming.
Tom runs and grabs the pan and throws it into the sink then turns on the cold water and a whole bunch of steam comes up then the smoke detector goes off. The noise echoes through the house and Rhydian and Tom try to wave the smoke out of the house. Maddie can't take it anymore and she runs out of the house. She runs up to the river and sits on a rock trying to get rid of her headache. Rhydian picks up her scent and chases after her.
R-Whats the matter Madds? The fire is gone you can come back now.
M-Its not that that alarm drives me crazy. It gave me a headache.
R-Come on lets go back and we can get you some medicine and you can lay down and relax.
M-I don't want to walk back I feel sick.
R-Ill carry you come on.
He picks her up like a baby cradling her in her arms and brings her back to the house he brings her upstairs and puts her in her bed. A couple minutes after he lays her down she falls right asleep. He goes downstairs gets her a bottle of water, Advil, and a bowl just incase. He sits them next to her and goes downstairs to cook breakfast.
R-What do you guys want to eat?
T-French toast, bacon, and orange juice.
S-That sounds good.
R-There is no bread. Im gonna run to the store if Maddie wakes tell her Ill be back shortly. Just keep checking on her she's ill. See ya in a bit.
Rhydian runs and gets bread and some other extra snacks. Then on the way back he picks up Ceri's scent.
Im running home from the store and I smell me mum. Why is she here she's supposed to be in Stonybridge with me dad? I don't smell me dad anywhere so she's probably alone. I dont know why she would come all the way to Canada if it wasn't important. Maybe something bad happened. I don't know I have to find her.
He picks up her scent and traces it to Maddie's house when he gets there his mum is very happy to see him.
C-I need to talk to you alone.
Rhydian brings her to the living room and they sit on the couch.
R-What did you want to talk about?
C-There is another wolf on Maddie's territory and I don't think he's friendly. All I know is that he is a young lad all alone. He looks like he's about the same age as you. But he's been going to the human school. I dont know if he is a threat or not but he thinks he is the only one on Maddie's territory. Im surprised that he hasn't smelled me or your dad yet.
R-What do you want me to do about it? Im not gonna go all the way back to Stonybridge and leave her here.
C-Promise me if he gets out of hand you will chase him away for
R-I promise but you might not have to wait that long. Maddie's parents are talking to Segolia and they are trying to get back to Stonybridge.
C-Okay I just wanted to check on you and Maddie and see how you guys are doing. Goodbye hopefully I will see you soon my beautiful boy.
R-Bye mum.
Ceri leaves and Rhydian rushes upstairs to check on Maddie bit when he gets up there she is gone. But the bathroom light is on so he opens it a crack.
R-Madds are you in there?
M-Yeah Ill be out in a couple minutes.
R-No Madds take as long as you need Ill cook you breakfast. Ill try not to burn it.
M-Shush up. It wasn't my fault.
He goes downstairs and makes everybody breakfast. It totally slips his mind that Madds was in the bath and he opens the door. He sees Maddie in her towel and he immediately retreats to closing the door.
R-Sorry Madds I totally forgot. I hope your not embarrassed.
M-Its fine just bring the food in Ill get dressed in a second.
R-Okay. Should I close my eyes?
M-Rhydian no your fine.
He nervously brings in tray for her and sits it on the bed then exits.
R-Ill see you downstairs.
Maddie gets dressed and instead of eating in her room she brings it back down to eat with them. She trys to eat a piece of French toast but can't.
M-Im gonna be sick.
Maddie gets up and runs to the bathroom. She gets to the toilet and starts throwing up. Rhydian comes in and holds up her hair and pats her back.
R-Madds are you okay what's the matter?
M-I think I have the flu can you get me some Advil. I just want to lay down.
R-Okay. Are you done Ill bring you upstairs? I can get all that stuff I just want you to get into bed.
M-Can you carry me upstairs.
R-Of course.
Rhydian carries her upstairs and brings her to her bedroom. He lays her down gently and feels her temperature.
R-Maddie! Your burning up. Ill be right back stay right here.
M-Hurry up.
He runs downstairs and gets everything she asked for he even makes her some chicken noodle soup and tea.
S-Rhydian what's wrong with Madds. She has been upstairs almost all day.
R-She has the flu. She has a headache, stomach ache, and her temperature is through the roof. She has been upstairs because she doesn't want to get anybody sick. Ill be back in a minute I have to bring this to her its probably getting cold.
S-Okay well tell her to feel better and get rest.
R-I will. Be right back.
Rhydian hurries up the stairs and goes to Maddie's room but she not there. He hears her throwing up again so he puts the tray on the bed and hurries to the bathroom.
R-Madds can I come in?
M-Yeah. I just want to stay in here.
R-How about I make you a makeshift bed and you can sit in here just incase.
M-Thats sounds good.
R-Come sit on the bed while I make the bed.
Rhydian makes the bed and Maddy comes back into the bathroom. She comes back in the bathroom and takes the Advil. Then she eats most of the soup and drinks her tea. When she is finished she lays down.
M-Can you snuggle with me? Please?
Maddie said that making the puppy dog face and slightly quivering her lip.
R-Of course. Whatever makes you feel better.
They played there for about an hour and eventually both of them fell asleep and didn't wake up until 3 in the morning.

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