The meeting

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It was a windy and cold evening in March. I stood under a tree waiting for Noah to come. He was late again. Everytime we were going out he would make me wait. I checked my phone. Nothing.
It was freezing cold out here. I only wore a tight dress and a lether jacket. On my feet I had a pair of black shoes. I looked around. He should be here any moment. Or I wouldn't wait anymore. Then a man came walking down the street. When he came closer I saw it was my boyfriend, Noah.  "Sorry I'm late" He said. "Let's just go" I said, not giving him a look. "You seriously can't be mad because i'm late" he said in a tired voice. "I'm not mad" I said. "Whatever"

We heard the song they played in the bar down the street. It was some pop song. When we opened the door to the bar a smell of wine and beer came against me. I love that smell. Usually I went to a bar closer to my house, but today I wanted to test something new. "I'm going to the dancefloor" I said to Noah. "What did you say? I can't hear you" Noah screamed. "I'm going dancing!" I screamed. "Sure. I'm gonna take a drink" Noah replied. The second I came out on the dancefloor all my problems disapared. I was finally free.
After a while my feet were so tired I decided to go and take a drink. "A tequila please!" I shouted to the barista. "Coming up!"
I drank the tequila at once and ordered another one. I was going to find Noah, so I walked around for awhile trying to find him. When I was looking around in the crowd I accidently bumped into someone. "Im sorry" I said. "No problem" a voice said. I saw that i had bumped into a man. Now I was looking into his blue eyes. "Could I offer you a beer? As a sorry" I said. "Sure, why not" the man said smiling. When we walked back to the bar, I saw a familiar figure on the dancefloor. "Wait here" I said to the man and walked against Noah. Then I stopped in my step. Because Noah were dancing with a girl. Very close. And then he leaned down to her face and kissed her..My eyes started to tear up. I can't belive him! After everyhing we been trough toghether he would just cheat on me with some random girl! Then I heared a voice. "Am I getting my tequila sometime?" The man came up to me. He had a smile on his face, but when he realised I was crying his smile fade away. "Everything alright?" He asked. "That's my boyfriend" I pointed at Noah. "With another girl" I finished.
"Oh I see.." the man said. "Don't be sad, he is way to ugly to be with someone like you" he said. "Come on, let me buy you a drink" he finished. I couldn't help but smile. Then the man grabbed my hand and lead me against the bar. "What would the lady like?" He asked. "A tequila please" I answered. "Two tequilas!"
Then I realised I should have introduced myself. "I am y/n by the way" I said. "What a pretty name, I am Olli."  he said. Now when we weren't on the crowded dancefloor I could watch him closer. He was normal height, had brown hair that was a bit curly, and black clothes. He had black eyeliner and it suited him really well. When I thought about it.. he looked like someone I know. But I couldn't figure out who. Our drinks came, we drank them and he ordered more. 


Y/n was really beautiful. We had been talking for atleast one hour, and it appared we had a lot of common. The others must been wondering were I was, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to look at y/n. I was even more drunk than before, and so was she. I had ordered a lot of drinks.

"Here is really hot" she said. "Wanna go outside for a moment" I suggested. Outside a cold wind blew by. "Thanks for the drinks" she said. I smiled. We sat down at the stairs of the bar. She looked up on the stars. I couldn't stop the feeling. I slowly put my hand on her shoulder. She didn't move a muscle. Then I started playing with her hair. I was really drunk, and I shouldn't do anthing I regret. I twisted her hair around my finger.


We sat on the stairs for a long time. He played with my hair, and sometimes I said something funny and he laughed. He had the most adorable laugh I ever heard. But then we got interupted. A man, with black hair, dressed the same as Olli, opened the door to the bar. "Olli, there you are! We have been looking for you-" he looked at me for a second, and then looked at Olli again. "We should get going, remember we have work tomorrow." Olli looked at me. For a minute it looked like he was hesitating, like he wanted to say something. "Can I get your number?" he asked. My heart jumped. This means he wanted to talk to me again. That I'm not a random girl he met at a bar.  I felt really dizzy while walking back to my house. All the thoughts of what just happend was spinning in my head, and all of the alcohol I had drank this night was probaly not so good for me. I started humming some song. 
When I came home untied my shoes and threw them on the floor. I took of my dress and change to a big t-shirt. Then I layed down on the couch. The tiredness came at once. My eyelids felt heavy and ny whole body felt like I had run a mile. Suddenly I felt like I had to vomit and rushed to the bathroom. Atleast I got to the toilet before it came. I slowly walked back to my couch. I layed down and then sleep took over and everything went black.

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