In the rain

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"We should watch a movie" Joonas suggested. It had became dark outside and everyone seemed a little tired.
"Oh yeah good idea" Joel said. "Do you have any candy?"
"Joel you know I don't do drugs-" Joonas said confused. Joel started laughing really hard and so did everyone else. "Oh wait. You mean like seriously candy" Joonas said and let out a little laugh. "No, I don't think so"
I looked at y/n and our eyes met. Then Aleksi said something to her and she looked at him instead. She laughed at something he said, but I couldn't hear what because Joonas and Joel were having a loud conversation beside me.
"I could probably go to the store" I said. "You sure? It's like a 10 minute walk and it's cold outside" Tommi said. I was already on my way to put on my shoes.

"I'm gonna come too" y/n said. "Y/n you know you don't need to" I tried. I wasn't sure if she just wanted to go for a walk or if she didn't want me to go alone.


Olli closed the door behind me and we began the walk to the store. It was dark outside and the only light were coming from the lamps on the street. We walked in silence for a bit. Then Olli broke the silence between us. "We will have a concert in two days. Wanna come watch?"
I didn't know what he expected me to say, but I immediately got excited. "Yeah, I would love that" I said with a big smile on my face.

There weren't so many others in the store so we got our stuff and were out of there really fast.

"It seems like you and the others agree well?" Olli asked on our way back to Joonas place. "Yeah, they are all very sweet." And it was true. Since I met the other members of Blind Channel they had been treating me very well. The whole band had this aura, that screamed friendship and positivity.
"Oh no" Olli suddenly said. "I think it may start raining."
I felt a raindrop on my nose. For every second that passed it started raining more and more. "Come on, we don't wanna get totally soaked." Olli said and started walking faster. He grabbed my hand and started walking faster. There the warm feeling was again.

After a moment we both were running trough the rain. Olli still held my hand. In the middle of everything I slipped. I fell on my butt and was sitting in a water pot. My pants were totally soaked and dirty. Olli looked down on me and grinned. "You're so clumsy" he said and rolled his eyes playfully.
"Here" He gave me his hand. But instead of standing up I dragged him down. He wasn't ready for me to do it, so he lost his balence and fell. I hadn't thought that he would fall on me, more like beside me. So now we were both laying in the water pot. But he was laying on me.

I hadn't been so close to him before, and our body contact gave me butterflies. But because I had a whole grown up mans weight laying on me, I couldn't breathe perfectly. "Olli. Please stand up- I can't breathe"
Olli looked at me and our faces was so close. So close. "Or what?" He said, still grinning. "It's not like you can do anything."
But I felt that took support from his hands, because I could breathe better again. But he didn't stand up.
"What is it my love?" His voice was soft and romantic. 

The butteflies in my stomach was getting crazy. His hair was in front of his face, the only thing I saw trough the thick brown hair was his blue eyes.

"Shit!" I gasped. "I'm so wet right now!" I had been laying in the pot this whole time. My whole back was soaked. Finally Olli stood up. When I stood up, water was running down my whole body, and it felt like I had taken a shower. "We're almost at Joonas place, he probably have some clothes you can borrow." Olli said. His hair was wet from being in the rain for such a long time.

When we came back to Joonas place it looked like we both had been in a shower. Joonas stood in the hallway waiting for us when we came back. "What took you so long- what have happend to you. Have you been swimming?" He said. "No, but y/n fell in a water pot." Olli said and smiled. Joonas laughed. "Come y/n, you can borrow my clothes."

I followed him to his bedroom and he took out a t-shirt from his wardrobe and gave it to me. "I don't think I have any pants that fits you, but you're so small that this probably fits you like a dress"
"Is that a compliment?" I asked and grinned. "Get out now"
Joonas stood still. "Joonas!" I said again, then he gave me a smile and walked out. It felt a bit weird kicking out Joonas from his own bedroom, but I wouldn't let him see me change. After all, we weren't that good friends. Yet.

When I had change I walked back to the living room. Luckily Joonas had a large couch, so everyone could sit down. I sat down between Olli and Aleksi.
"What should we watch?" Tommi said. "Titanic of course!" Niko shouted. "It's the best movie ever!" The others laughed. "Noo, not Titanic." I said grinning. "I always start crying"

 Joonas got a small wrinkle between his eyebrows. "If you have watched it before, you know how it ends. So why do you cry then?" 
"I don't know! The ending is just so sad" I said and did a sad face.

We watched Titanic anyway. The beginning was fine, but when Rose first met Jack I started sobbing. "Seriously y/n, it haven't even happend anything yet." Joonas said and looked at me. You're such a crybaby"
I showed him my middle finger "fuck you Joonas. Let me cry alone"
Aleksi looked at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes and pointed at Joonas. Aleksi let out a giggle and soon we both were laughing. "Shhh, I'm trying to watch the movie" Niko said while his eyes were staring at the screen.
I had to hide my face in a pillow to not burst into laughter. I didn't even really understand what it was that was so funny.

When the ship started sinking I carefully put my head on Olli's shoulder. I didn't want the other ones to notice anything, but now they were all looking at the movie. I cried in silence when Jack died.

When the movie ended it was the middle of the night. I yawned.
"We should all probably sleep. I have some extra mattresses, so we don't need to sleep on the floor" Joonas said and went to his bedroom. In a moment he was back caring three matresses in his arms. "Who wanna take the bed?" He asked. I looked at Olli. He didn't seem to think about me at the moment, because he was staring at the wall behind Joonas. "Me and Niko could sleep there." Joel said and Joonas nodded his head. Joel and Niko disappeared in to the bedroom. That left me, Olli, Aleksi, Joonas and Tommi in the living room.
"Y/n, do you wanna sleep on the couch." Joonas asked me. "I guess, if it's okay with you guys" I looked at Olli, Aleksi and Tommi. They didn't seem to complain, so I sat down on the couch while the four men started getting ready to sleep.
"Look away y/n" Aleksi said.
"Huh?" I sat in my own thoughts.
"We need to change, look away." He repeated.
"If you don't want to look" Joonas said and winked. I quickly turned my head around and stared at the wall.
"Done" they said after a moment. Joonas and Olli was shirtless. Olli caught me staring. "Y/n, don't stare" he said with a smile.
I blushed. Tommi turned off the light and the room went dark. I crawled down under the blankef I was sleeping with, and closed my eyes. Olli was sleeping beside the couch and I heard him slowly falling asleep. His calm breathes made me slowly fall asleep too.

Writer's word:
Hey guyyss, I just wanted to tell you that this was probably the most fun part to write.
I will try to update everyday, or atleast every other day. Who is exicted for some love between y/n and Olli? Well atleast I am.
I appreciate all the reads, I didn't think I would get this many reads. Thank you everyone, I hope you have a great day/night :)

(Btw, I will maybe start writing a story about Aleksi, we'll see ;)

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