The studio

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The next morning it was raining. The sky was grey and outside it was dark.
I didn't have anything to do today, so I decided I would ask Olli if he wanted to do something.

Wanna hang out later? I really bored because of the rain. :(

I actually have work, but you could come watch and then we could do something afterwards maybe?

Sounds good! Could you give me the adress.

The adress was pretty far away from here, 30 minutes with bus. But I didn't mind. I sat looking out from the window while listening to music in my headphones. The time flied away and suddenly I was there.

In front of me a large building stood. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I called Olli. "Hey! Could you please come down to open the door it's locked." I asked. "Oh yeah sorry, I'm coming right now."
After a moment the door opened. "Hey y/n! It's nice to see you." Olli said with a smile on his face. He gave me a quick hug. The touch gave me butterflies. It spread a warm feeling trough my whole body.
He let go and led me trough a long corridor. "What exactly do you work with?" I asked, because all he had told me about was that he was playing bass guitar. "You will see" Olli said and winked. Someone opened a door, and a blond man came out. Apperantly Olli knew him because he said: "where are you going Joonas?" The blond man answered. "I'm gonna buy some beer". I noticed his weird clothes. Or they weren't weird but for a workplace I thought maybe a little effortless? He was wearing black jeans and a t-shirt. Same was Olli when I thouht about it.
Olli opened the door Joonas had came out of. First I couldn't belive my eyes. It looked just like a music studio in here. On one side there were microphones and a guitar, on the other side there was a drumset, a computer and a bass guitar. There were standing four men looking at the computer. "Guys! Y/n is here." Olli said and everyone that was looking at the computer turned their head looking at me. I recognized the black haired one and the brown haired one from the store the other day. "Hi Aleksi, Hi Tommi!" I said. They both smiled. "Y/n, this is Joel and Niko" Olli pointed at the two men that I hadn't seen before. One of them was really tall, and had blond long hair. The other one was shorter, and had brown long hair. The brown haired one came forward and shaked my hand. "Nice to meet you y/n" he said. I smiled. The blond one nodded his head to welcome me.

"Wait so what exactly do you work with?" I asked. Olli laughed. "We're a band. Blind Channel?" It took me a minute. Wasn't Blind Channel the band that my sister had spoken about. "Omg wait.." I probably looked hilarious when I tried to figure out where I had heard about Blind Channel, because the bandmembers laughed. "Wait! You were to the eurovisions!?"

Yup" Aleksi said, looking proud. "Please tell us you have heard Dark Side?" Joel said. "Yeah I think I have heared it on the radio. Put your middle fingers up right?" We all laughed.
"Olli why don't you show the pretty lady around" Niko said and winked at Olli. Olli rolled his eyes at Niko but took my hand. His hand was warm and soft against mine, and his touch was light. He led me trough the room to the microphones and the guitar. "So here Niko and Joel sing and Joonas play. They usually try different melodies to try wich one that fits the text best." Then he led me to the computer. "Aleksi works the most here. He tries different sounds and is in charge of the technical stuff." Then we came to the other side of the room where the drums and bass guitar stood. "Tommi and I work here. We mostly try to find good beats to use to the melody."

My eyes were wide open and I tried to look at everything at once. This was probably the coolest thing that had happend to me. "Wait do you play the bass?" I asked. "Yup" Olli said and let go of my hand.
He left a warm feeling on my hand that slowly spread to my whole body.
He picked up the bass and turned up the volume. He played a riff, and it sounded amazing. I was totally mesmorized by how it easy he made it look. He hit the notes perfect. "Wanna try?" He asked. "Well I don't know anything about playing.." I said. "Come on y/n! It's not that hard!" Aleksi said behind me. "Yeah y/n you can do it!" Niko cheered. The fact that they had watched me made me nervous. I slowly nodded my head and Olli gave me the bass. It was heavier than I thought.
"Sit here" Olli clapped on an amplifier and I sat down. He sat down beside me, and the amplifier wasn't that big, so our legs slightly touched eachother. My heart jumped when he took my hand and showed me how to put it. "Just like that! You're a born bass player" he said and laughed. There the adorable laugh was again. He told me something but there was a lot of distractions because our legs were touching eachother and so was our fingers. I looked at Olli when he suddenly looked straight into my eyes. "Y/n are you listening?" I blushed and looked down at the floor. "Yeah, go on" I said. Olli showed how I should put my other hand and play. When I played one of the strings it sounded awful. "Okay, maybe you weren't so good anyway" Olli said and we both laughed.
"Yeah I think we should let the bass playing to Olli" Joonas had came back and now stood in the doorway.

We had really fun recording music. Everyone laughed and joked all the time, and the vibe were just really good. Before I could blink it had became dark outside. I yawned. I was starting to feel a little tired, even if it was very energic in the room. I sat on the floor leaning against a wall, and when the minutes passed by I slowly felt more and more tired.

Olli Matela | Blind Channel | Love story |Where stories live. Discover now