getting ready

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I was running away from something evil. Then I fell. And fell.

I woke up. The room was dark. Then I realised I wasn't laying on the couch anymore. I was actually laying on the floor, even worse, on Olli. He mumbled something. I quickly got up. "Y/n what the fu-" he said with a raspy voice. "Shhh" I put my finger infront of my mouth. "The others sleep"
Olli opened his eyes a little bit "and so should you" he said and turned his back against me. After a minute he was sleeping again. But I couldn't. I probably layed on the couch for atleast an hour, but couldn't fall asleep. I gave up and tip toed to the toilet. I locked the door and checked my phone. 5.30 am.

I got dressed and put on my shoes. I wasn't sure where I was going. I just wanted some fresh air. The sun was on it's way up, but it was still dark outside. I walked around for a while, and then I found the perfect spot. I sat down at a tree, and looked at the beautiful sight. I was looking at a green forest. The tree was on a small hill not far away from Joonas house. I leaned against the tree, and watched the sun rise.

The sun was up when I decided to go back to Joonas place. I was cold from sitting in the grass.
When I knocked at Joonas door, Aleksi almost opened it immediately. Like he was waiting for me. "Y/n!" He said and hugged me. His black hair was a bit messy, but it suited him. "Uhm-" I said confused. I saw Olli stand behind Aleksi. "We thought you had left us." The brown haired man said. "We tried to call you but you didn't answer"
I checked my phone. Four missed calls from Olli. "I was just going for a walk" I said. "Why would I leave you guys."
Aleksi gave me a look.
"Seriously! You're like the best thing that ever have happend to me!" I said. And I really ment it. Since I met Blind Channel, my life had gotten so much better.
"Olli, Aleksi! Come on we need to get ready" I heard Joel's voice from inside. "Ready for what?" I asked looking at Olli. "The concert" he said. "Remember?"
I nodded my head. Of course I remember. I followed the two men inside. "Can I help with something?" I asked. The room was a mess, and the band members looked like they had a lot to do. "If you would be kind enough to clean this up" Joonas said and pointed at the matresses in the floor. I started caring the matresses to Joonas bedroom, while the others took their stuff and got ready to leave. "Where is this concert?" I asked when I came back to the living room. Tommi was closest. "In Tampere" he said. "It's a few hours drive away from here."
"Yeah I know where Tampere is" I said. "I'm not that stupid"
"You aren't? God I was wrong" Joonas said when he came in to the room. I threw a pillow at him.


I almost got a pillow in my face when I entered the room. Apperantly y/n had threw a pillow at Joonas and now there was a extreme pillow fight going on. They were hitting each others with pillows.

We started the drive at lunch time. Tommi drove as always, and Niko assisted.
Y/n sat at the back with Aleksi. He joked around and seemed to enjoy talking to y/n. They seemed to talk about something funny, because they had laughed a lot. "Someone is jealous" Joonas said in my ear. I looked at him. "No I'm not" I said at my defense. "Olli, I'm not blind. It's obvious that you like y/n" he said with a large grin on his face. Luckily Joel had an argument with Niko, so he didn't hear us. "I have seen how you have been looking at her."
I blushed. Maybe he was right. I really liked y/n, but I thought it wasn't that obvious.


Aleksi had a good sense of humour. We talked almost the whole drive. He was a really nice guy. Once in a while I saw Olli looking at me. He looked kind of jealous. He shouldn't be worried, I liked him a lot, and I hope he doesn't doubt that.

When we came to tampere, it was already evening. "I think this is the hotel" Tommi said.
We checked in. "There is just a bit of a problem." Joonas says when we got our room keys. "We booked just three rooms, and now y/n is here"
"I have no problem with sharing with somebody else." I said. "Who do you wanna share with?" Aleksi said with a curious look.
"I am gonna share with Joel" Niko said and put a hand around Joel's shoulders. It looked kind of funny when Joel was taller than Niko.
"I can probably share with Aleksi" Tommi said.
"Sure" Aleksi nodded his head. "Tommi is chill" he whispered.
"Well I think I'm gonna share with Olli and Joonas then?" I said. I saw that Joonas winked at Olli. Did he know?
We split up and decided to meet at the cafeteria later. Everyone went to their rooms. The hotel was pretty big, and it took a while for us to find out dorm. "Fuck, this is the wrong corridor" Joonas cursed when it was the third time we walked wrong.

When we finally found our dorm, and opened the door, there was another problem. There was only one bed. Luckily it was a double bed, but it would get narrow if three full grown people were gonna sleep in it.  "It's gonna be a long night." Olli said. I laughed.

At 8 p.m. we met at the hotels cafeteria. All of us ordered a beer, and sat down at a big table. "Tomorrow we need to wake up early." Joel reminded everyone.
"Not again!" Joonas said. "I hate waking up early"
"You know we need to practice for the concert" Joel looked at Joonas.
Joonas mumbled something and continued to drink his beer. Blind Channel certainly was a very good company. Everytime I was with them the time flies away. I couldn't wait for tomorrow when I would see them perform.

When we got back to our room, it was almost midnight. I went to the toilet to change, I had borrowed some clothes from Joonas. Tomorrow I would go shopping before the concert. All my clothes were at home. Joonas clothes had a strong smell of beer and something else.
When I was done I went back to Olli and Joonas. "Do you always sleep shirtless?" I asked, when I again found them without shirts. "Who cares about shirts" Olli said and grinned. "Let's watch some tv" I suggested to change the conversation. I really didn't want to talk about this right now. It was already embarrassing to sleep in the same bed as Olli and Joonas. They both gave me butterflies, mostly Olli. I sat down on the floor, while Olli and Joonas layed down on the bed. It didn't take many minutes before they started annoying eachother. "Keep your feet off me!" Olli shouted. They started play fighting. I rolled my eyes. This was absurd.

When they didn't send anything good on the tv anymore, we decided to sleep. After all, we needed to wake up early tomorrow. Joonas and Olli was still annoying each other, so I got to sleep in the middle. Great.

Their bodies was pressed against mine, and I could feel their warm skin against my body. After all, Olli was right. This is gonna be a long night..

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