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The concert was even better than I expected. It looked like the boys were born to do this. The energy on the stage was so powerful.
Tommi was smashing his drums like crazy, Aleksi was jumping and waving like it was his only mission in life, Joonas was jumping and spinning on the stage, and the same was Olli. Joel and Niko were jumping and singing. I didn't understand how they could do it on the same time.
The audience was going crazy. They were singing, waving, jumping, screaming and filming.

I got surprised when Joonas started singing. Of course he wasn't as good as Joel and Niko, but his voice was pretty. I looked at Olli. He stood still, probably waiting for Joonas to finish.
We made eyecontact. His blue eyes were sparkling. This is what he loves most. Music.
He smirked and then he started playing again.

When the band was coming back from the stage, they all had messy hair and looked like they had been having a workout. Olli stroke his hand trough his hair.
"So what do you think?" He asked.
"You're so good!" I said, smiling.
"I didn't know you could sing" I said looking at Joonas. "I am a talented man" he says. I laugh.
"Come on everyone! Grab a beer." Niko shouts. Suddenly I am holding a beer in my hand.

When we arrive back to the hotel, we go to the bar. We find a large table that we all fit around. Joel orders drinks to all of us.
"Do you always do this after your gigs?" I ask Olli.
"Yeah. Sometimes it becomes really messed up" he says.
"By the way, Joonas is sleeping with Niko and Joel tonight."

A night with Olli only. This will be interesting. Joonas probably fixed this up. That sneaky little-
My thoughts get interrupted by Olli tapping on my shoulder. "Are you okay? It looked like you disappeared in your thoughts"
Aleksi looks at us from the other side of the table. Our eyes meet, and he blinks slowly. "Y/n? Are you there?" Olli says, waving his hand infront of my face.
"Yeah sorry, I'm just tired." I say. Mostly it's true. I look at Olli. His hair is still messy from earlier. I wonder what will happend when we both get drunk.

We drink more and more as the evening goes on. After a few hours it's hard for me to keep my eyes open. I lay my head on Olli's shoulder. He puts his hand around me. He is truly amazing.
He strokes my head. His touches make me even more tired.
"Olli my legs are cold and I'm tired" I mumble. Olli looks at me. He also looks tired. "Wanna go sleep?" He asks. I can only nod, and he excuses us. We both stumble to the elevator. I can't understand how I am this tired. It must be the drinks.

When we come back to our room, I lay down on the bed. I am so close to fall asleep.
"Olli can you help me get my jacket off" I say. Olli has already got his shirt off, and was now standing in his pants. He helps me get my jacket off. He throws it on a chair. My skinny jeans are not comfortable, so I try to get them off. But, because they are skinny jeans, they won't help me. "Olli" I say with a sigh. "I can't get my pants off, help please." It seems like Olli hesitates for a second. Then he untie my pants and helps me get them off. Then he takes of my shirt. Now I'm just laying in my underwear. He takes his pants off, and lay down beside me.
"You were amazing today." I mumble.
I can see that Olli gets a bright smile on his face. "You're too sweet." He says.
I feel the need to cuddle so I get closer. His bare skin is touching mine, and I blush. He is warm, and in this moment, right now, I feel like everything is alright. His arms are holding me. I lay my head on his stomach. He puts his hand into my hair. "Good night y/n"

I wake up in the middle of the night. It's dark in the room. I slowly open my eyes. I'm laying on my side, with my back against Olli. I turn around. I get really scared, when I realise Olli is looking at me in the darkness. His eyes looks black and mysterious.
"Olli what the fu-" I whisper. He puts his finger against my mouth. I become silent. He plants a kiss on my forhead. His lips are warm and soft.
"Olli-" I say but he doesn't seem to listen. He comes closer, putting his hand around my waist. Our bodies are touching each other, and the warmth of his body is spreading into mine. I can't move. The way he's looking at me gives me butterflies.
"Marry me y/n" he says.
I laugh. "Olli, you know I can't to that"
"Why not" he asks, making me speachless. I blush. "We just met." I say. "You can't marry someone you just met"

Olli looks at me with his dark eyes. "Who says that?" He asks.
"Olli you know-" I try, but Olli interrupts me. "Y/n won't you just shut up and marry me" he says with a soft voice.
I couldn't breathe. He was so beautiful laying on his side, looking straight into my eyes. "Olli I-"
"I guess I will shut you up then" he says, now pressing his lips against mine. I put my hand behind his head, slightly pulling his hair.

Our kiss made me breathless.
"So what do you think?" He says, pulling away. "Will you marry me?"
"Olli you're drunk" I say, trying to make him think about this.
"So? Does that change anything."
"Well actually, yes it does." I say. "It changes a lot."
"Just say yes already, I know you want to" he say with a smirk. I smile.
"I take that as a yes" he says, kissing me again. God I like him too much. The butteflies in my stomach is getting crazy. This can't be healthy.


Y/n was still sleeping when I woke up. Her hair was infront of her face, and she looked like she had a crazy night. My drunk mind hadn't mesmorized anything from the night. It was like a blackout. I hope I didn't do anything dumb.

I took a shower, and when I was done I wrapped a towel around me.

When I came out of the toilet y/n was awake. "Did you sleep well?" I asked, hoping she didn't remember anything from last night. She smiles. "I couldn't stop thinking about what you said." She says. Shit. What did I say.
"Y/n." I say. "I don't remember anything from the night. Just that we went to bed and then it's a blackout. Whatever I said, it was just my drunk self." I try to explain with a calm voice. I really hope I didn't promise anything.

It looks like y/n tried to hide her disappointment, but doesn't succeed. "Right.." she mumbles. I sit down beside her and put my hand around her shoulders. "I'm sure you can tell me?" I ask. I can't help being a little curious.
She shakes her head. "No Olli I can't. It didn't happend anything." She says, but it feels like she isn't telling me everything. But I decide to let it go. I can't force her to tell me. It's history now anyway.

We meet the boys for breakfast. Y/n is more silent that usually. When she goes to get some bread Aleksi leans against me. "Is everything alright with y/n" he asks. Why does he care?
"I don't know." I say truthfully.
"You didn't do anything to her, right?" Aleksi asks with wide eyes. I let out a laugh. "No, Aleksi, I didn't." Aleksi nods.
"Or I can't remember" I continue.
"You can't remember? What do you mean?"
I sighed. "I had a blackout. My drunk mind probably did something stupid." 
I look down at the table. It feels weird talking about this with Aleksi. But he is a good friend. He probably understands what I'm feeling right now. Guilt. Worry. I'm scared I hurted y/n's feelings. I really hope I didn't. I like her a lot after all.

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