I've Got No Plans

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  • Dedicated to Ania Balcerek


            "Today we have some exciting news. As you all know, the senior class has already taken the SATs. The results are in, as well as some scholarships that have been sent directly to the school," the girl from the morning announcements says, way too cheery-like.

            I glace over at Blake and notice him staring at my cheek. The one my father slapped. This morning when I woke up, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, because time has passed, but it's still bruised pretty bad; most of it just looks like a blotchy blush, but the part closer to my ear is a bit purple. I covered it up with makeup, but it didn't change the appearance much.

            It's been three days since it happened, and yet, Blake hasn't said a word to me about it. I know he sees it, but I refuse to say anything to him, either.

            I turn my attention back to the announcer. "...So we will be listing the top twenty highest scores. They are not in any particular order, so here we go. Joshua Timberson, Oliver Pack, LaShawna Dejour, Cassy Higgins, Alexander Sonar, Penelope Frost, Chris Du-"

            A slow but audible gasp collects in our homeroom and I sink into my desk and chair. Every one of them looks at me, but I avoid the stares and glares. Hey, I never said I was dumb.

            I quickly survey the students around and see that they have stopped looking, as much anyway. Blake hasn't directly glanced at me. But I won't cave first. Nope, not at all.

            I plug in my earbuds and think as Cannibal by Veto plays in my head.

            One question:

            How will I be able to go to college and take care of Ray at the same time?

            One answer:

            It's impossible.

            If I left her here, my father would treat her worse than he did me. I wouldn't be able to live a freaking day without knowing where she was, who she was with, what she'd been doing and if she was alright.

            Sometimes I blame it on mom. If she hadn't had died, I would have a mentally stable father, a mother who would soften me up some, and not so much responsibility for Ray, even though I love taking care of her. I picked up the roles that mom left off.

            However, if I decide to stay, I'll end up with no success. No good paying job, no mighty career, no life of my own to start. No way to keep away from our father.

            Walsh's voice booms. "Penelope!"

            I almost yell, but I take a mild breath. "What do you want?!"

            "I called your name four times. Just because you scored high doesn't mean that you can give up now, understand?" Walsh asks, jutting out his belly as if he wants us to see the thing through his freaking shirt.

            I roll my eyes. "Whatever. You can go back to teaching or whatever you do with your life."

            His face gets red, like it always does. "I'm going to let that comment pass, Penelope. Pay attention or I'll send you out."

            After biting the inside of my cheek to stop from saying something rude, my hands reach into my bag and grab my notebook.

            After the remaining forty boring and cruel minute's passes, I gather my belongings for when second period bell will ring. Suddenly, Cassy Higgins, another top scorer, approaches and smiles. She only has to flash her blue eyes at a guy and twirl her blond hair to have any guy she wants tripping over themselves.

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