6.3K 168 57

            I want to thank you all for sticking by my side. If I could, I would dedicate everyone a chapter of this story, but because that's not possible, I'll just dedicate the entire book to every reader.

            I've considered rewriting this entire story, but I'm too lazy. After all, my reason for starting this story was out of self enjoyment.

            EDITING SHOULD START (and hopefully finish) WITHIN A FEW WEEKS/MONTHS. I'll be taking away author's notes (maybe) and the cast (definitely) also, just so that this story is easier to enjoy. Please be patient, this was my first Wattpad story and it did NOT have a planned plot from the start. It's premature, I know, but if you have a problem with it, I advise you go read a better story instead of slamming mine.

            ...Or you could read my story Ripe, which is much, much more defined than this one.

            If you're interested in helping me edit this story, please inbox me. I would love for you guys to follow me on Instagram (ssedated) or Twitter (I don't use my twitter at all but it's SedatedCrystal). In most cases, I'll follow you back. If I don't, it's probably because you could be a 60 year old pervert... or simply because I'm not on that social site ATM or something.



            Tah-Tah for now, my amazing readers. My heart is bursting in a million pieces from A) The end of this story, and B) The pride you guys give me. It's been a long road for me, this story means a lot to me, regardless of anything that could ever rival that. Thank you for staying with me, I hope you all don't hate me by this point. (oh man, these next words are going to make me cry. I lied, I already am crying. Jeeze, this is killing me. Am I too attached? ...Definitely.)


Signing off,

                Crystal Carter.

        ps. How about a spin-off of Ray and Dallas? Yay or nay?

                    Okay, bye. ♥

DUDE. 206k reads. What. I'm freaking out wtf. Pls help, I feel like there's a myocardial infarction impending...

Hey everyone! I want you all to know that I decided to publish a spin-off called Just Right, about Dallas and Rachael. It's being slowly updated because I'm dealing with major depression and I can't find my motivation to continue it at the moment, so I'm sorry ahead of time for the wait. However, I still hope you have some time to check it out and, maybe, even tell me what you think about it!

Also, who else is scared about the presidential elections? No one? Sorry, random, err—

Thanks! Thanks! MERCI!

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