Again. And Again.

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"What the hell are you doing at my front door?" I ask, positioning my hands on either side of the door frame. The figure standing before me, the one that belongs to Blake, shifts his weight and puts his hands on the door frame near mine. I almost move them away, but decide not to. It would only make me look weak.

"I came to tell you something," he says openly, looking me dead in the eyes. It makes me shift some, the look he gives me.

"Say what you have to say."

"Well, when you told me you were tired of things being ripped away from you, I decided I wanted to make a reappearance in your life." For a few seconds there's nothing but silence. The air is as stale as a week old chip.

I blow out the breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Isn't that what you've already done? From day one since you've been back, you have reappeared in my life, just not in the best ways." I shuffle my feet in the doorway. Blake looks down with a frown on his face.

"Can't you see? I want to be friends again. "Best friends" is a little too much for you right now, I can tell, but we should start. See, we're making progress."

"How are we making progress?" I ask in an exaggerated tone.

He looks at me again, this time there's a softness that wasn't there before. "You're finally talking to me, and I consider that progress."

I cross my arms. "And what do you plan on doing to 'reenact our friendship'?"

"Absolutely nothing."

I know my jaw has dropped, so I close my mouth before he can say anything. "I'm going to close the door now," I say hurriedly. Just as my fingers graze the door knob, Blake grabs my wrist and I almost yelp. His hands are as cold as a ice, like the ice that I've held to my cheek only weeks ago.

I rip myself from his grasp and slam the front door in front of his shocked and pained face.

Long after I close the door, the cold from his fingers still feels as if they are holding my wrist. As I stand here holding my arms to my heart, I can't help but to think that there's something more to this feeling. It's hard to say I know for sure, but something in my chest says it's true.

Another knock on the door tells me that Blake hasn't given up and is still being...Blake.

Ignoring the door, I head up to my room and shut the door. With an odd feeling in my stomach, I lay on my bed and gradually fall asleep.


His hands reach to behind my ear and his fingers slip into my hair, softly, sweetly, tenderly. I feel my heart pick up the pace in an unhealthy rhythm, pounding without stop.

He makes me feel fragile.

I nod my head into his shoulder and look up. My palms rest against his chest as his face slowly starts to hover near mine.

"You're so beautiful," Asher says, pressing his nose to mine. "And so mysterious." The husky vibrations of his voice spread across my lips, and I feel my fingers brush against his chest muscles as they tense. His lips collide with mine and I want more. I run my fingers along his arms and he pulls me closer towards him. I push my hands into his hair and don't remove my lips from his.

"What do you mean by mys-"

"Why are you kissing her, Asher?" The bimbo that had sat on Blake in the lunchroom asks grudgingly. I raise my eyebrow and give Asher a look. I'm curious for his answer.

His arm curls tighter around my waist as he tugs me so close that my head is under his chin. I have to admit though, it's a sweet feeling.

"I kiss her," he says, rubbing the space were my waist curves inward, "Because she's amazing. And the fact that having a basic female like you near me is horrid."

I'm stunned silent. Where did that come from? I can feel the smile slowly creep to my face as my eyes feast upon the girl's shocked and confused facial expression. Asher's lips curl upward and I hold back a laugh.

"I think my attitude is rubbing off on you," I smirk.

"That attitude," he says seductively, lacing it into his accent perfectly. I pinch his cheek and kiss his chin. "And to answer your question, you're dangerous because I'm sure I'm in love with you."


I give him a blank look. I want to tell him no one loves me, besides Rachael, but that would look weak. Plus, who loves someone they haven't even know that long? Surely it's infatuation.

I just nod my head and put a fake smile on my face. He frowns but doesn't let me go.

"Pen?" he says.


"I want you to meet my parents," he says calmly, rubbing his hands down both of my arms.

When I look up and see a serious smile on his lips I mentally curse. If I reject, he'll think I don't like him to the extinct of taking me home. If I accept, he'll expect to meet my family in return.

"Sure," my voice says dryly. He smiles and hugs me.

"Thanks. I'll pick you up tonight at seven?"





Hey guyz, I know you must hate me now. I haven't updated in just about three weeks! Dx I'm really sorry, I'm loosing focus. Lemme put my game face on! Grr. Comments and votes are appreciated, and thanks for the read! Love you all!


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