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Huh? Prom? Prom.

How do I break it to him easily? I don't do school dances. They're over-rated.

Homecoming, winter dances, and black out usually weren't my thing. I never was able to get a date, the dancing sucked, all the music was horrible, drinks were always spiked, and grinding seemed to be the new way to go.

Do I look like the kind of girl who would grind anyone who's behind me?


And then there's the promise I made to Blake. Does it still matter, after all we've gone through since then?

I'm sure I look like a dumbass standing here staring at him. The expectant and merry look in his eyes is so evident it makes me want to walk away from him.

"You, uh... you really don't want to take someone like me to prom," I admit quietly, almost softly. When I don't meet his eyes, he puts his hands that are still wrapped around mine up to my chin, lifting my head and my eyes at once.

"I'm sure I want to take you. I want to remember you for the rest of my life."

That's kind-of cheesy, but cute nonetheless.

My face feels like it just burst into flames. Is he nuts? It's easy to tell I'll be an old cat-lady that sits in her window and watches people walk past her house. Why would he want to remember someone who's going to end up like that? It beats me.

I force a cough and rub my cheek on my shoulder. "The thing is-"

And I'm stopped by the most surprising thing. His lips.

To say it wasn't expected was an understatement. His lips on mine? No way, I'd be poisonous to his lips. But that doesn't make me want to pull away.

Quite the opposite, actually.

My lips seem to have a mind of their own, because they move without my direction. I close my eyes as Asher deepens the kiss and wraps both arms around my waist. I smile against his kiss.

Then he chooses this moment to pull away. Worst timing ever.

"Please go to prom with me," he says, pleading. I wouldn't be surprised if he got to his knees to beg. Quickly I make a decision.


He looks at me and puts his arms around my waist again, pulling me to him. "Thank you," he says softly. I nod my head and keep my lips shut.

What the hell did I just do?


"Hey Pen, can I talk to you for a minute?"

I swivel around and come face to face with Cassy. Today her eyes are a greenish color. Weren't they just blue?

I nod my head. "What's up?"

"We're going dress shopping this Saturday and rumor had it that Asher is taking you to-"

"It's true. And I don't think I should go Saturday, I have important stuff to do," I lie.


"Look, it's nothing personal. I just hate malls and stuff. Maybe when I get over myself, alright?"

Her eyebrows raise and I wave a goodbye. There is no way in hell that I'll be seen at the mall. I hate that place.

"Wait, Pen! A word of advice," she says suddenly, causing me to turn around again. I need advice? Please.

"Keep your options open, okay? I heard that Asher-"

"It's alright, but thanks, I'm fine." I turn towards my homeroom and walk off. She doesn't stop me and I don't bother to look back.

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