Beer, Blake, and Backyards

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  • Dedicated to Brittany Lisek

We hesitate as we step up the front porch of the Adams' household. What if something goes wrong with the plan? What if Blake is still here, with Chloe? What if no one's home? I'd die! What if-

My overreacting thoughts are interrupted by Ray's little fist tapping on the door.

I suck in an unnoticeable breath of air as the door swings open.

As expected, it's Mrs. Adams. First her face fades from the smile it held and turning into shock and awe. "Penelope Paula Frost, honey, is that you?"

I smile (a real one this time) with a small nod. She looks down at Ray next. "Is this little miss Rachael Ella Frost?"

"Yes ma'am," Ray pips, drawing an extra syllable in "ma'am". Mrs.Adams swoops down like an eagle ready for lunch, lifting Rachael up faster than a squirrel on crack could run.

"My God, I can't believe this! Rick, come here!" She has tears suspended in her eyes and it makes me feel like I'm under reacting, too calm. I wasn't expecting all of this.

Another familiar face appears in the doorway next to Ms. Adams. Mr. Adams' eyes over her shoulder at Rachael. They flick up to me and his face registers on his face. "Is that our Penelope?"

"Yes, sir," I speak. He reaches from the doorway and pulls me into a hug.

He pulls away. "It's been a long time and-"

Mrs. Adams finishes his sentence. "We've missed you girls. Come inside, you just happened to miss Blake."

Perfect timing. "Actually, I'm headed to the same place. I was hoping you could watch Rachael for me while I go to the party. If you can't I understa-"

"Honey, its no issue. I'm glad to see you again and I'd be glad to catch up with Rachael. Go have some fun."

I stare in guilt. "You don't have to."

"But we want to," Mr. Adams says. I nod and give Rachael a hug.

"Be good, okay? I'll be back soon. I love you."

"Okay, Penelope. I love you too! Bye." Suddenly Dallas appears from somewhere in the house. He and Rachael start talking automatically.

"Mrs. Adams? Can you not mention this to Blake? I'd be embarrassed." She searches my eyes, concentrating on something.

"I won't say a word. Now go have fun, you look like you need some."

After a thank you and a smile, I find myself rushing from the front door.

On my way to the party, I pass the local derbyball skatepark. The game's a waste of energy, believe me, I've tried.

Cassy's house comes into view and I almost turn back around. What if I end up being laughed out? This party is full of people.

I hate people.

Taking the challenge as I should, my feet carry me up the front porch stairs and into the disaster of a party. The smell of beer, weed, and cigarettes taint the night air. I find myself coughing as soon as I enter the living room, where most of the people are. Many of the people who pass by are already drunken and slurring words.

I move through the party people with as much ease as possible. Some guy comes up behind me and grabs my ass. I close my handing into fists and punch him.

There's a back door within view so I dart for it. Out of nowhere, Blake and Chloe are standing in front of me, Blake's head tipped back with a plastic red cup at his lips. His eyes trail me over the rim and pulls Chloe close to him. I grimace, rolling my eyes, and step around them, making a big deal about the booze he has in his hand by staring at the cup like it's kidney disease itself.

"Dooot," he slurs in a drunken sing song voice. Chloe looks at him and walks away on wobbly legs.

"I'll be back right back," she says. He ignores her and keeps looking at me. His eyes are red and glassy, his hair disheveled on his head.

"What?!" I ask, my heart free falling from seeing him like this. It stings.

"I misssed your sm-smile," he says. "Smile for me," he says, coming towards me. I close my eyes to stop him from invading my mind. "S-aye-smile."

"What happened to you?" I whisper, pity leaking through my words. I watch him stop walking towards me and look at the cup he holds.

I leave Blake there and stand in the corner away from him, messaging my temples. This was the worst possible idea. Why didn't I trust my instincts and stay home? I slide my back down the wall, now crouching in the corner. It's too much.

"Penelope? Is that you?" A familiar southern voice questions. Without looking up, I nod my head and rub my eyelids.

"Come with me," the voice, which belongs to Asher, says. He starts helping me stand up, then grabs my hand and guides me to the back door, where I was headed to in the first place. His hand with mine feels nice and simple. I follow him, my head aloof.

The air from outside thrills and relieves me at the same time. A guy sits on the steps alone and is looking at the stars. He's a derbyball guy, I can tell.

I sit down on a swing adjacent to the one Asher sits on. He hasn't let go of my hand, and since it feels so comforting, I don't either.

We sit and talk about nothing. A girl shows up next to the guy and they talk quietly, like us.

I yawn. Talking with Asher is fun, but I get tired after a while. "Dude, I think I'd better go. I'm really tired," I say, rubbing my eyes. Asher helps me stand up and I almost trip, causing us to both bust out laughing.

He gets serious. "Let me walk you halfway home. I'll feel better knowing you got halfway safely."

I nod hesitantly and allow him to start the walk. We don't bother to close the gate behind us.



So how's it going? The book and you, I mean! Thanks for reading and please stay interested! So sleepy, sorry for faults in my work...zzZZzzz. Nightie night, guys. Comment, vote.. Love you all.

~ Crys

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