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The bell rings at the end of second period which means i have math next so i have to make a quick stop by my locker before heading to class but as I approach my locker I see something stuck to it students walking by stop and look before walking off.

The closer I get I start to see that there are Calla Lilly's typed all over my locker with a envelope stuck in the center.

I carefully i start to take the flowers off my locker looking around trying to see who could have put them there but i don't see anyone who looks at all interested in what's going on so i assume that who ever left these beautiful flowers must have done it anonymously.

I take the envelope of my locker and open it, there's a card so i pull it out and in beautiful writing it says.

The stars that shine in the night,
Sky have nothing on the
Beauty that your eyes hold.
The light of the moon
Is dim in comparison to the
Radiance of your smile.

I can help the smile that brightens my face as i slide the card back in the envelope and put everything in my locker but not before smelling the flowers.

D.k I wonder who that could be I don't think I've ever hear of that poet before, so it must be someone's initial's.

I wonder if they got my locker mixed up with somebody else's?

Third period ends and i head to the lunch room, walking i see a small group of girl standing around my usual table which is odd but okay.
I get my lunch and walk over to Liam who's just standing next to the table.

The closer I get to the table I see that there are more flowers there beautiful pink and white Dalia's and like at my locker there's an envelope in the center of the table with my name on it.

So this time I'm sure that who ever this is ment for me to receive them which makes me happy and a little sceptical.

Gently i gather all the flowers and set them aside then take the card and once again ride what's written on the card inside.

While these flowers my be beautiful
They are nothing in comparison
With your stunning smile
And your captivating eyes.

I slide the card back in side the envelope with a small smile that fades as my mind starts to wonder if this is some kind of a mistake.

"Damn girl who's the lucky man" Liam asks as he reads the card.

"I don't know" I shrug taking a deep breath and placing my head in my hands on the table Liam  places his hand on mine before asking.

"What's wrong babe"

I swallow the tightness i feel building up in my throat before i answer "I can't help but feel like this is just some kind of prank or maybe even a mistake like what if this what ever this is, is just some kind of joke to whoever is doing this"

"Aw babe don't think like that okay, whoever's doing this must have a reason. Look i know that you're not used to this but come on D your beautiful, smart and anyone who can't see that doesn't deserve you " he gives my hand a squeeze with a small smile then gets up and leaves.

The rest of the day went by in a blur i could focus on anything else but the gifts and what would happen if this was just what i fears it to be.

A prank or mistake.

The last bell ring and I head to my locker where  the flowers and cards have carefully been stored, i take them out along with my bag and make my way out to my car.

Once I'm outside i once again start to see Flowers just like my locker and lunch table there scattered on the hood of my car.  This time there's White Rose's and a card in the center of them.

I put my backpack down on the ground and carefully pick up the long steam Rose's adding them to the others and pick up the envelope and  pull out the card.

These flowers are just a small
Token of affection there,
Just a small sample of what's to
Come please go
On a date with us.

Seeing the word US makes my head spin and i start to put it all together. These flowers and cards are from the King's.

I feel tears starting to sting my eyes as i think of how this must of been some kind of bet or joke they felt the need to pull.

I knew this was all to good to be true I'm just a form of amusement for them.

I grab the other cards out of my backpack and pick up the flowers and storm over to them.

Once I'm standing right in front of them I throw the flowers and envelopes at them take a deep breath and swollen the knot in my throat to hold back my sob before saying.

"I hope you enjoyed the show you guys are fucking sick. Fucking with people like that take your prank, flowers and cards and shove them up your ass." I turn on my heels and start to walk back to my car.

"Wait Durani" i hear one of them say.

"FUCK YOU LEAVE ME ALONE" i yell across the parking lot as i grab my backpack off the ground get in my car and hurry out of the parking lot.

I should have known better then to let myself feel ever for a small moment that someone cared enough about me to actually care about me, to actually want to be with me.

The drive home felt like it took days, maybe it did, maybe it only took a few minutes, i can't tell right now due to the over whelming feeling of numbness. Pulling up to the drive way i park, take a deep breath wipe the dry tears that stain my face and head inside.

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