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I pull into the driveway way and head into the house as quietly as possible because I don't know if my mom is home and if she is the last thing i want to do is wake her up if she's sleeping of a drunken high.

But i wasn't that lucky because she was home and awake.

"Come her you fucking brat" comes her somewhat sober sounding voice from the kitchen.

Walking in to the kitchen i see my mom wrapped around some guy he kind of looks familiar but i try not to look for to long i don't want my mom thinking I'm trying to take her man as she's said many times in the past.

"Where the fuck where you hu" she asks unsettling herself from the flavor of the week.

"I was at school then i had to stop by the dinner" i lied about the dinner but i can't tell her what happened i would never confide in her.

"Oh really" the guy says and again his voice sounds familiar like I've heard it before i just can't figure out where.

"C c can i um go now" i ask shrinking into myself already preparing myself for what's to come.

"You fucking little slut you think i don't know about the guys you've been fucking" my mom says taking a handful of my hair and drags me to the living room.

I groan once i hit the floor with a hard thud i try not to move and just wait for what ever's to come but like always doing nothing not even making a sound only pisses her off even more because according to her the sound of my bones cracking and my screaming are like music to her ears.

The onslaught of kicks to my sides and a hits to my face go on for what feels like hours but i know it's only been a few minutes.

As soon as they leave the room I pick myself up the best i can and make my way down the hall to my small little room and change my clothes and curl up in bed.

Know sooner do i feel myself slip into a comfortable sleep my bedroom door opens and closes then the clicking sound of my door locking is heard. I remember locking my door so who ever this is must have unlocked it before coming in.

I don't move and stay as still as possible until i feel the bed dip, that's when i open my eyes and see the guy my mom was with climbing up the bed tell he's face to face with me. Fear washes over me and i try to push him away but he only presses his body into mine weighting me down.

I take in a lung full off air ready to scream but he punches me in the face and places his hand over my mouth and nose i can't breathe and my fight or flight kicks in.

Some how i manage to free my legs and lift my right leg up as hard as i can and thankfully it connects with his balls. He falls to one side
And i take that as my chance to get away quickly i jump up and run for the door unlocking it just as the guy was starting to get up. Throwing the door open i run down the hall to the front door open it and start running down the street. I turn back and see the guy right behind me chasing after me.

I'm barefoot with a pair of biker shorts and a thin tank top on and it's very cold out my feet hurt from the impact of cold cement on bare feet. I turn back one last time and don't see the guy anymore. Not paying attention i turn a corner and crash into something hard or better said someone with a hard chest.

The impact was so hard it sent me falling to the ground but before i could hit it strong arms wrap around my waist stoping me from falling.

"Sorry I I sorry" I say looking up.

I try to get out of Dante's hold but fail, and that's when i loose my fight and start crying, i feel safe and melt into his chest.

"Shhh kitten it's okay your okay" Dante calmly says placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I pull back and he loses his hold just a bit but doesn't completely let me go.

A shiver runs through me and i try to hide the fact that I'm cold but they catch on.

"Fuck Damien give her your hoodie" Damitri says and Damien quickly takes his hoodie off handing it to Dante who slips it on over my head. I step away from Dante and take a few steps back.

"Thank you I'll um get it back to you tomorrow" i say as i start to take a few steps to walk around them, Liam doesn't live very far from here so that's where I plan on going.

"Baby what happened who did this to you" Damitri asks taking his hand and brushing his thumb over my bruised cheek, i can't stand the look of there all giving me tears start to run down my cheeks and i once again step away to get around them.

Damitri pulls me into his arms then swoops me up bridal style I let out a small squeal "Wh what are you doing put me down" i say trying to get down.

"Oh no princess your coming home with us" Damien says as they start walking down the street towards there house I think.

"Wait i can't i don't have clothes or anything i um I'll just go to Liam's he only lives a few blocks away" i say.

" Look we're almost to our house and we are not letting you walk around with out shoes it's to cold so your coming home with us and that's final" the dominance in his voice makes me feel a weird but in a good way.

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