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Did he really just say he loves me? That they love me?

"Wh what did you just say" they can't love me not so soon I mean we just met, how can they want me I'm damaged. broken, worthless, I'm a know body.

Dante sits on the foot of my hospital bed and rubs my leg in a soothing manner takes in a slow breath then says.

"I know what your thinking and trust me when I say I love you. That we love you." I look at all three of them as he continues "I never believed in love at first sight or love in general, but when I heard your voice that day in the dinner i heard an angel then when i saw your beautiful face I knew you were the one for me, for us" tears slide down my face as he speaks with nothing but honesty.

I can feel the love these boys have for me and it something I've never felt before, it feels good to know I'm loved but what happens when they no longer want me, when they no longer love me.

"Princess the day you laughed your ass off in the parking lot was one of the best days of my life hearing your sweet laugh was like music to my ears. The moment our eyes meet I felt my heart stop then start again it was like it was finally beating with a purpose, it was beating for you" Damien says bringing my hand up to his lips giving the back of it a gentle kiss.

"Baby the day our eyes meet in the cafeteria I was stuck you where the only person there it was just you and me nobody else excised in that moment. I'm not gunna lie when I saw you talking to Liam I was pissed I thought that he was your boyfriend and that didn't sit well with me. you are mine, you are ours" Damitri says giving my forehead a light kiss.

I smile and side that knows the perfect time to tell them my secret "I have a confession to make"i say blushing. I look at each of them and continue 'I've had a crush on you guys ever since you guys transferred to my school. Liam used to make fun of me because I'd daydream about you guys all the time" i say with a slight laugh. "It was like this pull I felt towards you guys but there was nothing I could do about it you guys were, are popular and well I'm a nobody a nerd with only one friend. I love you guys too I guess I always have but always believed that that's all it would be just a dream that you guys would never love me too" Damien carefully pulls me close and places a soft kiss full of love on my lips.

Damitri gently pulls me away from Damien and brings me closer kissing me with both dominance and passion claiming me as his, pulling away from the kiss he gets up and moves to one side so that Dante can come closer.

Dante cautiously and carefully picks me up and places me in his lap then brings his lips to mine in a sweet kiss.

Just as I pull away from the kiss the door to my hospital room opens and in steps a nurse, she looks at the boys then me then starts to speak "Okay guys visiting hours are over miss Lopez is allowed one person to stay with her" she checks my vitals then exits the room.

"Dante is going to stay with you tonight okay baby we'll be back in the morning is there anything you want us to bring you" Damitri says from the foot of my bed.

"Not that I can think of other then yourselves. Oh actually can you bring me something to eat I hate hospital food" they chuckle and both Damien and Damitri say I love you and give me another kiss then take their leave.

About an hour after the guys leave I start to get a little hungry and ask Dante if he can run to the cafeteria to get us some snacks and drinks to tide us over tell the guys come back in the morning, plus the dinner that they brought me wasn't very good so i didn't really eat any of it.

"I'm going to go get you something to eat not snacks you need real food will you be okay" Dante asks placing me back down on the bed covering me up,

"Yeah I'll be fine I'm just going to sleep for a little bit tell you get back love you" I manage to get out as I yawn, pulling the blanket up to me neck and carefully laying the bed down more.

"Love you to kitten I'll be back as fast as I can get some sleep" Dante kiss's my forehead and leaves.

Dante leaves the room and my nurse comes in to get vitals, but then she asks me a question i should of seen coming.

"Are you with all of those boys"

"Uu y yeah why" i say  wondering why she would ask me that or even if she can ask me that.

" Know reason miss Lopez, your lucky to have three people who care about you is all" with that said she excuses herself and leaves the room.

Once again i settle down in bed and carefully turn to my side looking out the window watching the rain drops hit and form streams as they slide down it. My eyes start to feel heavy and i fall asleep.

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