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Dream Sequence

"Momma why daddy gowin bye bye" I watch my four year old self ask her mom as she's holding her stuffed puppy her daddy bought for her when she was sick.

"Because daddy doesn't love us anymore" my mother sneers her words full of hate.

"DAMN IT SANDRA DONT START THIS SHIT AGAIN" my dad  yells and he never raises his voice but he had been yelling at my mom a lot for some reason.



"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT HU HIT ME COME ON CARLOS THATS WHAT YOU DO BEST ISN'T IT" I watch as my mom pushes my dad catching him off guard, he stumbles backwards and falls hitting his head on the edge of the coffee table.

"Daddy" I cry crawling out from behind the couch over to my dad who now has blood pooling out around his head.


End of dream sequence

"DADDY" I yell shooting up instantly being meet with searing pain.

"Careful darling we wouldn't want you to hurt yourself now would we"someone says from the corner of the room. I see a man sitting on the chair its the man my mom beat the shit out of me with a baseball bat for. How did he find me and why did they let him in my room.

"Get out" I say trying to sound stronger then I am while sliding my hand to the call button.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you" he says getting up.

"I said get out"

"Aww honey is that any way to talk to your father" the man says walking over to me then coming to a stop once he's standing at the foot of the bed.

I stare at the man before me taking in his eyes, there similar to my own then I look closer seeing a few tattoos that I remember tracing with my finger when I was little.

"Why did you try to rape me, Your own daughter? Why did you help my mom beat me? Why didn't you stop her, why didn't you ever come back for me like you promised. Why please tell me why" I manage to get the last of my words out as I choke on my own sobs.

"Aww honey you don't remember do you. Well let me clear things up for you" my dad says rounding the bed coming to a stop to my left side "One I'm not really your dad I meet your mom when you were just a baby. Two I was there outside waiting for you that day at school" he bends down grabbing my face in a tight grip with one hand "I planed on just taking you as mine but then i saw the flowers and smile on your face and it pissed me the fuck off seeing how you were selling yourself for simple gifts. Then I saw the way those boys looked at you so"he grits in disgust tightening his hold more.

"Please" i whisper

"I left  thinking I'll just have to go back another day and try again but then i got an idea, one that was sure to work in my favor. I went to your house and told your mom I saw you and some guy outside of a motel and being the stupid bitch i knew she was she believed me. Well the beating wasn't part of the plan but it helped me gain your moms trust again so she let me stay the night thinking we were going to work things out and well I couldn't let the opportunity slip through my figures so once she was asleep i snuck out of the room and made my way down to claim whats mine" he licks his lips lowering his face down to my ear then whisper's "I'm going to make you mine and this time there's know way your getting away"

My dad I mean Carlos puts his hand over my mouth and pins me to the bed climbing on top of me the pain is so much i try to scream out from the pain but fail.  With his other hand he starts sliding the covers off  down.

I try to fight but I'm in to much pain. I feel him lift my hospital gown up past my hips as he places his knee between my thighs trying to push them apart. I'm trying to scream through his hand but he only pushes it harder against my mouth.

"DURANI" I hear Dante yell then feel Carlos being pulled off of me. The room fills with doctors an nurses along with security.I can't breathe the pain and realization of what almost happened again is to much. I need Dante, i need him to hold me i raise my good arm out  for Dante who is instantly by my side wrapping me in his arms rocking me as I cry.

"Shh baby I'm sorry I'm so sorry" Dante whispers as he rocks me.

"It's n no not your fault" i manage to say.

"Shhhh kitten try to calm down take a deep breath with me okay" i do as he says and take a few deep breaths with him.

"It's okay love close your eyes and try to get some sleep I'm not going anywhere" Dante says kissing my forehead.

I do as I'm told and close my eyes listening to the sound of his heartbeat i start to fall asleep.

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