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I can't believe I just did that I mean I'm not as naive as most would think I have touched myself but it's never felt as good as it did.

I would have never expected Damien to be so gentle both him and Dante are rumored to be more aggressive, but the way Damien washed my body was almost as if I would brake.

"Get some sleep baby" Damitri says giving me a light kiss on the lips once i was back in bed.

"Goodnight kitten" Dante whispers kissing my forehead then snuggling in to my side wrapping one are around me.

"Goodnight princess" Damien says burying his face in the crook of my neck placing a soft kiss there once he's comfortable.

"Goodnight my King's" I say softly before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.

The sun started to shine through the curtains waking me from a well needed sleep. I look to my right and catch the time.

" Shit it's 6:40 already"i think to myself then look at the boys who are still tangled up around me.

Getting out of bed was a challenge but I was able to slip out of bed with out waking them up.

Gathering my clothes off the floor I get dressed and slip Damien's hoodie back on then slip out of the room and out the front door.

Still bare foot i walk the few blocks back to my house. Standing outside i take a few deep breaths then quietly walk inside. Walking in house was like hell all i wanted to do was turn around and go back to the Kings house.

I didn't want to be here but I had to only because I needed to get my stuff for school and change my clothes.

The house is a disaster it looks as if a bomb went off the couches are flipped over and torn, there's broken glass all over I can see holes in the wall, so my only guess was that my mom and her boyfriend got into a fight.

"What the hell happened here and we're is my so called mom" I think to myself as i step over everything and make my way down the hall to my room.

Once I'm in front of my room i see that my door hanging off it's hinges my dresser drawers have been completely torn out of my dresser and all my clothes are thrown everywhere, my mattress is torn and halfway off the base.

Doing a quick scan of the room I spot my phone laying under my nightstand so i carefully make my way over to it stepping over broken glass from my mirror and a few picture frames.

I pick it up seeing that it still has Thirty percent I dial Liam's number. It rings a few times before I hear him pick up but I don't have time to respond as I'm being pulled backwards by my hair. I let out a scream and can hear Liam's voice calling my name.

"Liam" i scream then i feel a sharp sting to my right side.

"You fucking little bitch it's all your fault he left me again because of you" she spits out her words fill of hate and land another hit to my face this time.

"I didn't do anything" I say between sobs earnings myself yet another punch to the face.
I fall to the ground then that's when i see it the metal baseball bat in my mom's right hand she brings it up then brings it back down on my left side.

"AHHHH NO PLEASE" i scream out as load as i can. I can still hear Liam calling out my name as she brings the bat down again and again.

I have to get help but i can't move so i do what i have to do and yell out to Liam.

"CALL THE KING'S LIAM, CALL THE KINGS" I scream as my mom brings the bat down again and again.

I start to fade in and out then it all goes black.


Dante King

I'm the first to wake up this morning, stretching I look to my left and see that Durani isn't in bed, thinking she's probably in the bathroom i wait for her but after a few minutes she doesn't come back to bed so i get up check the bathroom and find she's not there so I check every room but she's nowhere to be found.

Walking back in to Damien's room I wake up my brothers.

"Guys she's gone" worry washes over me, something doesn't feel right, it's like i can feel her pain.

"What do you mean she's gone" Damien asks raising his head off the pillow a little bit.

"Just what i said she's not here" i repeat

"She's probably in the bathroom" Damitri groggily says with his eyes still closed.

"I already ch-" I'm cut off by my phone ringing, fishing it out of my pocket i see it's Liam calling so i answer it.

"Hey I ca- What fuck ok, wait hang on fuck okay I'm on my way call the police" frantically i hang up and rush out of the room with by brothers hot on my tail.

"What's wrong Dante" I can't find my voice I can't seem to tell them what's going on I put my shoes on and run out the door.

"Dante DANTE" I hear Damitri yelling my name but I keep running I can't stop I have to get to her fast.

I'm coming kitten. I repeat in my head hoping that some how she can hear me even though I know she can't.

As I'm running the worst things pass through my mind, i can't seem to get my feet to go any faster i feel like I'm running in slow motion.

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