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It's been a mouth since I was released from the hospital, my cast was removed a few days ago and my ribs are almost completely healed I'm still sore but all in all I feel better.

The guys have been taking care of me but also getting on my nerves they won't let me do anything at first it was sweet and cute but then it got to be to much.

I tried to fight them on it until Damien got mad at me one day and told me to stop being so stubborn and to let them help me that as my boyfriends it was there job to make sure I had all that I needed and wanted, and that included taking care of me, so I kinda stopped fighting them after that.

Right now the guys are out running some errands, they argued for almost an hour about who was going to stay home with me. It pissed me off so I told them to all go and after another shouting match i won.

I'm sitting here on the couch flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch.

When a idea comes to mind, I jump up and rush to Dante's room and start going through my dresser drawers.

The guys went to my old house and grabbed my clothes and stuff that were still in good condition and spread my things between the three rooms so that I had some of my stuff in each. Anyways I'm going through my drawers tell I find what I'm looking for I grab it and head to the bathroom for a quick shower.

I'm waiting in the living room when I hear the front door open then there voices calling out to me.




"I'm in here" I shout back then hear footsteps on the hardwood floor.

Damitri is the first to enter the living room stopping in his tracks as he sees me kneeling on the floor with my head down slightly and my hands flat on my thighs.

"Did you find her" comes Dante's voice as he enters the room he has yet to see me. Damitri only nods his head not saying a word or taking his eyes off me. Dante looks at his brother then follows his line of site tell he's looking at me as well.

"Fuck" I hear him whisper under his breath then he shouts "Hey Damien you need to come see this" a few seconds later Damien enters the room looking down at his phone.

Dante lifts his hand placing it on Damien face and turns it so that he's looking right at me.

"Fuck princess you look so fucking sexy" Damien says making his way past his brothers and over to me.

I feel Damien petting my head and the small action send a wave of heat through out my body. "Are you sure you want to do this kitten" comes Dante's voice from my left, "Yes master" I whisper and hear him groan, i have know idea where that came from but he liked it so from now on when ever it comes to stuff like this i will call him master. I wonder if that word will work for other things as well I'll just have to wait and try it out later.

"Stand" comes Damitri's dominating voice from my right, I stand keeping my head down and my hands at my sides.

"Good girl" Damien coos.

"I want you to go to my room strip and wait for us in the same kneeling position you were just in but I want your hands behind your back and your head lower then it was when I came in you have one minute go"

"Yes sir" I say  hearing him groan, so he liked that so from now on he will be Sir. Doing as I was told i go to his room, strip out of the black lace pantie and bra set and kneel in to position he instructed with my head bowed lower and my hands behind my back.

A minute later the door opens and in the walk.

"Mmm baby you look so fucking perfect on your knees I can't wait to see how you look when my dick is in your mouth" Damien as he walks around me. His words send heat through out my body.

"Would you like that princess my dick in your mouth" his words cause me to press my thighs together.

"Yes daddy" he takes a sharp breath and i know that daddy is what I'm going to call him. He comes to a halt in front of me then kneels down.

" Are you sure this is what you want princess"

"Yes daddy" i answer with my head still bowed.

I hear them walking around the room and the door open and close a few times but i don't dare look up i was told to keep my head down and that what I'm going to do.

I try to catch glimpses of what there doing but fail to see anything.

Every once a a while Dante will come over and pet my head, Damitri will come over and give my hair a small tug and Damien will come over and cures my cheek.

"Stand with you head still down and your hands behind you back" Damitri says.

"Yes Sir" i say doing as told.

" We're going to try and be gentle, we're going to push you some to see how much you can handle, if at any time it becomes to much you just have to let us know okay baby" Damitri says.

"Yes Sir"

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