Yato Jr.

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Yato's POV

After Kimiko interrogated Ryder, she wouldn't talk or even look at anyone, and she went straight to bed. Something Ryder told her must have ticked her off. I opened the door to the room where Ryder was. He was lying on the floor, still tied to the chair, knocked out cold. I decided I could torture the bastard some other time and went to bed myself.

The next day I decided the team needed a morale boost by becoming a bit of a prankster. I'll make a few pranks and we'll all have a good laugh. So I crept down the stairs and saw everyone in the living room having breakfast and talking. I noticed that Aika had gone to the kitchen for her morning snack, just as anticipated. I snuck into the kitchen, making sure to remain unnoticed. I got behind the counter, opposite to Aika. I held in my laughter as I snapped my fingers and felt the particles in Aika's ice cream accede rate fast enough until it melted. I peeked over the corner as I heard Aika's miserable screams. I wasn't surprised to see Aika dropping to her knees in front of the ice cream licking the floor. I snapped my fingers again and the ice cream evaporated. Aika turned around to face me and growled "YAAAATOOOOOO!!!!"

I jumped to my feet and made a run for it. She knocked over furniture as she ran straight for me. I nimbly jumped over everyone in the living room. Made Sanji's crème brûlée explode in his, Natasha's, and Nico's faces. I caused Catnip's beer to catch fire, and I threw a pack of gummy bears at Zach, then infused them with elements that caused them to explode. Kimiko was completely unharmed and she just sat there. Finally, Aika caught me grabbed me by my collar and started yelling at me. As I turned around, I saw to my dismay, Kimiko stood up and... I'd say what happens next but... it's too graphic... for all the children out there, domestic abuse is a serious crime.

After that carnage, Kimiko kicked me out of the house (literally) and yelled at me. Something about finding something to do and not coming back until she said so. I was too shocked to pay attention. So I gloomily walked through the plaza until I saw a streak of white. Aika stood in front of me and stuck out her tongue. "Serves you right," she said. "Shut up Aika," I replied. "It's okay, Yato. We all know Kimiko loves me more than you." And at that moment we began a heated argument about who deserved Kimiko's unrequited love. Suddenly I heard something, covered Aika's mouth, and said "Shut up. I heard something" We both looked to our side and there was a stroller with a crying baby inside. We stood there silently until we looked at each other and I said "I call dibs on Yato Jr." Aika run towards the little creature, she picked up the baby and stroke his cheeks. ''How cute...'' I immediately took the baby away from Aika and I ran at Kimiko, being careful with the baby "KIMIKO MEET OUR CHILD, HIS NAME IS YATO JR ISN'T HE SOOOO CUTE?!?!?!" I said showing her the baby. She stared at Yato Jr, held him, and asked "Wh-when did we?... when did I ?... when did you?....... ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!" she handed the baby to Sanji, who covered Junior's eyes as Kimiko punched me.

Sanji's POV

I stared at the baby, grinned, and whispered "I'm going to teach you how to cook...''

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL" Yato yelled as he tried to punch me. I deflected his fist while grinning at the baby, who had a little confused face. "Don't worry about that shitty idiot. I'll protect you" I said to the baby.

Aika took the baby from me and said "Shut up, Sanji. I will take care of him." Kimiko looked at Aika with can-I-have-an-explanation face. Aika sighed and said "We found this baby on a stroller outside. Seems like his parents disowned him or something. Can we keep him?" Kimiko stared at her, took the baby from Aika, and exclaimed "Of course not! His parents probably lost him and must be looking for him right now." "No. He's mine" Yato, Aika, and I said in unison. We looked at each other and started fighting. Aika tried to punch Yato. Yato made a sword and tried to slash me. I kicked him in the face. Somehow, the fighting became Yato vs Me, while Aika remained unharmed. "WILL YOU STOP FIGHTING?!" Kimiko yelled. "Yes, Kimi-" Yato tried to talk but was interrupted by me kicking his face. Kimiko rolled her eyes, sighed, and knocked us down. "Ok. We will take this baby to his parents, and that's that. End of discussion." she said. "Can I at least teach him how to make a sandwich?" I said softly. "No, Sanji." Kimiko said. "Fine." I whispered.

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