The Aftermath

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Kimiko's POV

I woke up to a dull pounding in my head. I moaned slightly and struggled to sit up, propping myself onto my elbow. With my other hand, I rubbed my eyes and pressed it to my temple.

I felt heat radiating by my side and I slowly opened my eyes to find Yato sleeping next to me. My eyes trailed his body until they reached his stomach, were there was a wound roughly patched up. At that sight, everything that had happened the last few hours overwhelmed me.

The headache started growing stronger and I groaned again. I tried climbing out of bed without disturbing Yato but I was dizzy, so when i tried to bring my leg over him, I tripped and hit him. I fell to the floor before quickly standing up. I peered over at him and saw him stir. "Shit," I muttered and tried to reach the door but I was too slow.

"Kimiko?" Yato mumbled. He sat up and looked over at me. He looked me over before standing up and heading towards me. "Welcome back," he said, outstretching his arms. He was about to embrace me when I pushed him back.

"No," I whispered. He looked at me and I could see the concern in his eye.

"Kim," he started but I shook my head.

I inched my way back towards the door. "Please..." My eyes trailed to his wound. "Just stay away." Before he could react, I swung the door open and bolted into the hallway. I raced down the stairs, and not focused on where I was going bumped into Sanji. He stumbled back and I stopped in my tracks.

"Kimiko," he said.

"Oh, god, not another one," I groaned. He frowned and was about to speak when we turned our heads to Yato going down the stairs. My insides sunk. I glanced over at Sanji's arm which I had stabbed with my sword. Another badly bandaged wound. I bit my lips to hold back the tears I felt growing in my eyes. What had I done? I'd been so close to having the home I always wanted, then I had to come and screw it up. I felt even worse when I remembered Natasha.

I backed away from the guys and I felt that they had the urge to come closer, but they didn't. After a few moments of heavy silence I looked at the ground and said, "I'm sorry..." My eyes fluttered up to them, but quickly looked away. "That was... I mean..." I sighed.

"Kimiko, it's okay," Yato said and took a tentative step forward. I took one back, and he stopped moving.

"That wasn't you, we know," Sanji reassured.

"No excuse," I muttered. "What- What about Natasha?" I stuttered.

They glanced at each other, then look at me. "She's at the 'hospital'. We don't know how she is," Sanji said slowly.

"Oh, god," I breathed out. I started moving towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Yato asked.

"To see her. I need to know..." I couldn't finish the sentence. I could feel them start to move after me but I turned and stared at them. They looked awfully tired, and probably didn't need to be putting up with me right now. Besides, I don't trust myself. What if I go psycho again? I can't stand the thought of hurting my friends again. "Stay here. Please," I told them.

Sanji shook his head and Yato spoke up, "No way. We're going with you."

I sighed and turned around, knowing there was nothing I could say to change their minds. We left the house and started walking the path through the woods towards town. I made sure to keep my pace fast, so that i was always a few yards in front of them.

As we walked, my brain went over the events of the last few days. I cringed every time I remembered all the innocents I'd harmed. And it was even worse when I thought about the damage I'd done to my friends. What would they say? I almost destroyed them completely. Because of me, almost half of them were injured. I know that technically, it wasn't my fault, but... I could've done something, couldn't I? Maybe I should've told them about the mark or the actual reason I had passed out in that fight. Or at the very least, I could've run away.

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