Are we back?

39 1 0

Remember the switch!



Nicolette- Catnip

Natasha- Zach


Kimiko, followed by the others, walked towards the place in the woods where the magic box had been. She wanted to see of there was some sort of clue, or reverse button, to be able to return to her body. Because she did not want to stay in Sanji's body. The group reached the place an Kimiko started looking around, while the others kept messing around.

"Sanji, I want food. Gimme food!" Aika whined.

"Don't eat that much in my body!" Yato exclaimed.

"I can't cook because I'm not in my body..." Sanji said, backing away from Aika.

"I don't care, COOK!" Aika demanded.

"You guys shut up and make yourselves useful," Kimiko said, frustrated.

"Bleh!" Aika exclaimed. "As long as someone gives me food afterwards."

Everybody started looking around, poking in the bushes, for something that might be a clue. Suddenly, a menancing laugh was heard. "Ah, I see you found my little box," a cool voice said. Everyone looked towards where the voice had come from. There stood a man with black, curly hair and gleaming red eyes.

"Your box...?" Nicolette asked.

"Yes. You know, a little metal box about the size of a hand. The white haired girl and the small girl touvhed it, your bodies switchd, it blew up... That box.

Kimiko's face droppe. "You are responsible for that?" she murmured. The man grinned. "Do you know the torture of having him-" Kimiko pointed at Sanji, "-in my body?"

Aika giggled and the man let out a thin laugh. "Oh, you poor thing," he taunted.

"Please switch us back!" Natasha spoke up.

"What?" the man said. "Switch you back? I don't think so,,, What'd be the fun in that? If you want to switch back, I guess you'll have to find me."

"Wait, don't you-" Kimiko started, but the man was gone.

Everyone stared at the place where he'd been standing at. "It's not fait!" Natasha squealed.

"I want to be out of this body now!"

"Find him? How are we supposed to find him?" Yato asked.

"Find him, find him, find him..." Kimiko muttered. "I think I've seen him before..."

"Me too," Catnip said. "I mean, I definently remember his looks from somewhere." Kimiko rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, I know him!" Aika said. Everyone turned to look at her.

"How...? From where?" Kimiko asked.

"Ah, he owns a restaurant over there," Aika pointed deeper into the woods.

Kimik blinked. "Who has a restaurant in the middle of the woods? No, actually, what the hell where you doing there?"

"Who wouldn't have a restaurant in the middle of the wod?" Only weird people dn't know about it," Aika answered.

"Yeah... Only weird people..." everyone muttered.

"His name is Edward Andrew Tun Tun, but people call him Ed Tun Tun because his food is so good people say 'tan tan'!" Aika grinned.

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