Everything Started with a Mango

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Everything started when Natasha wanted a mango. She climbed the mango tree that laid at the center of the town square, and tried reaching a mango. Not being aware of her foothold, she slipped and fell. Aika was walking beneath exactly at the moment in which Natasha fell, so the two girls tumbled to the ground, squashing a mango between them, staining their clothes. Aika got mad and started fighting with Natasha, while Kimiko, Aika's companion, was laughing hysterically.

After Kimiko finished laughing, she walked over to Aika and hit her on the head. "You shouldn't fight people," she said.

"Tch," Aika pouted. "Okay, fine! I'm sorry I fought with you because you squashed the mango." she told Natasha.

Natasha stared at her through slanted eyes, then turned around without saying anything and started climbing the mango tree again. Kimiko dragged Aika away before she could start fighting again. And so, they proceeded their walk.

Aika continued grumbling as the girls walked through a small wooden area after the town square, while Kimiko just rolled her eyes. She spotted a small dog walking around the woods and decided to steer clear out of its way. While she liked dogs, she sensed that this one could be potentially dangerous. They kept walking as Kimiko glanced at the dog to make sure it stayed far away from her.

When she was almost convinced that she'd be safe from it, the dog ran up to Kimiko and started barking its head off. Kimiko tried to walk away quickly, while Aika stared at them, a giggle fit coming on to her. The dog followed Kimiko, still barking. Suddenly, it jumped on her, knocking her ungracefully to the ground. It started licking her all over, leaving dirty paw prints all over her clothing. Kimiko shrieked, "GAH! You stupid dog!"

She tried pushing it off, but it was quite heavy. Then a girl started walking towards them, slowly. When she finally reached the mess of fur and white clothes, she scooped the dog up like it weighed nothing.

"Aw, my poor doggy! What were you doing to my dog?" she asked.

Kimiko got up and brushed off the dirt as good as she could. Then she gave the girl her best death stare. "What was I doing to your dog?" she scoffed, "It jumped on me and dirtied my clothes! Not to mention I got slobber drooling down my cheeks."

And that was it. The moment in which Aika couldn't hold her laughter anymore. Kimiko ignored her and started arguing with the girl about the dog.

Then, they heard someone scream "Nico!! Nicolette!"

All the girls turned their heads towards the place the sound came from. Natasha, the mango girl, was walking towards them. After a moment of blank stares, Kimiko realized it was Natasha and started laughing as she pointed at Aika, who was still laughing at Kimiko and the girl whose name was Nicolette. For some unknown reason, all the girls ended up laughing.

Aika's POV

This day just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Now, the dog girl, Nicolette, the girl who freaking squashed a mango on me, Natasha, and my dear friend, Kimiko, who now smells awful because of the dog incident, were making our way to a restaurant, trying to forget the past. The restaurant was called Karashi, and it seemed like the most normal thing I'd seen all day.

We entered the restaurant and saw a girl dressed in black clothing heading our way, swaying around. She seemed drunk, and who knew what she'd do. She came up to us and opened her mouth, as if she was about to say something, but instead threw up on Nicolette's sandals.

"Holy shit!" Nicolette screamed, repulsed. The girl grinned up at her then walked away quickly, and started dancing around the restaurant with a guy who I assumed was her boyfriend. When they waltzed past the bar, she grabbed a beer bottle and took a swing from it.

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