New Acquaintances

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On the outskirts of town, Kimiko, Aika, Catnip, Natasha and Nicolette found themselves building a house, where they would all live in once finished. Catnip stood staring at the building in disgust, and grumbled, "I didn't mean it when I said we were going to be 'together forever', ya know?"

"Why're you complaining? It'll be fun!" Aika answered enthusiastically, laughing a bit. The others started giggling too. Who would've thought that unlikely group of girls would build a house together in the middle of the forest?

When they took a break to eat something, Catnip spoke up, "Can Zach live with us too?" The girls all glanced at each other, and Nicolette shrugged.

"Sure, why not?" she said. Catnip grinned, then turned around and stalked away to the forest.

After a few days, the house was completed. The girls stood around it admiring their work. "Tomorrow we'll go buy some furniture,' Nicolette said, with a leader's tone. Everyone nodded, then decided what they were going to do next. Aika and Kimiko were going to practice their sword techniques near a river and a waterfall close to the house, Catnip was going to visit Zach and the sisters were going to visit their animals in the forest. Everyone started making their way to their destinations.

Kimiko's POV

Aika and I made our way through the forest to the waterfall. It was about 3 p.m., the sun was shinning and birds were singing. A good time to practice sword fighting. Aika was grinning excitedly. I glanced at her and remembered one time when we were training, she went overboard and almost destroyed the whole forest. I shook my head and sighed. "Please, try not to destroy the forest," I told her.

"Okay!" she said excitedly. We reached the river, and Aika's sword automatically appeared in her right hand. I rolled my eyes and called my own swords. Aika charged at me. I readied myself, thinking she would attack from the front. At the last moment she swerved, and went behind me. I turned quickly. blocking her attack. We both grinned at each other, and continued our fight. We practiced until the sun had been down for a few hours.

Aika's POV

Kimiko and I were practicing. Gosh! I was so excited, moving faster with my sword, being free. We practiced for a few hours. I guessed it was about midnight. With the others, we had agreed that we would meet up at midnight to walk home together. So Kimiko and I decided to call it quits for the day and head to the place where we'd agreed to meet the others. We started walking, making our way through the forest enjoying the sky's sight at night, far too bright and big.

The sisters and Catnip had reached the place a few minutes before Kimiko and I had. Once we were all ready, we started walking in the direction of our newly built house. As we walked in peace, a wolf-like monster suddenly appeared in our path. I grinned and immediately everyone got ready for battle. When we were about to attack the monster, it fell to the ground suddenly. Blood oozed out of a slash on its back.

"Aika!" Kimiko shrieked. "You could've save some of the fun for us, you know!"

"What're you talking about?" I asked as I gestured to the dead monster. "I didn't do that." Kimiko and I started fighting, and the others watched us blankly. We retorted at each other for a few moments, waving our hands around wildly. Kimiko pointed to the monster and turned her head. "If you didn't kill this then who-"

In the other side of the clearing, a boy stood there. He started walking towards the group of girls. "Holy shit..." mumbled Kimiko, her eyes gleaming. "H- he's... my hero!!!" she said a bit too loudly. I glanced at Kimiko and then, at the boy. I realized who it was and started laughing hysterically. The other girls stared at them with confused looks.

"What the fuck?" asked Catnip.

The boy had reached the group and Kimiko jumped. "Hey, Yato!" she said a bit too enthusiastically. Recognition crossed his face and he smiled as he said, "Hey, Kimiko."

"Were you the one who killed that thing?" I asked, pointing at the monster.

"Uh... Yeah," Yato answered hesitantly.

"God," I grumbled."You took all the fun."

"Ah..." Yato stuttered.

"You have powers?" inquired Kimiko. Yato looked uncomfortable. "Don't worry," she comforted him. "Your secrets safe with us. We're special too."

"Oh... Okay, then," Yato smiled shyly, and Kimiko smiled back.

"Oh God, get a room," Catnip groaned. Kimiko rolled her eyes, and I giggled.

"So..." Yato started. "I was going to a friend's restaurant, if you wanted to tag along..."

"Food?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Booze?" Catnip looked excited.

"At midnight?" Nicolette asked.

Yato shrugged, and responded, "We're close friends."

"You could be an ax murderer," Nicolette stated.

"No, he's not!" Kimiko said defensively. I cracked up again, and Kimiko rolled her eyes. "Okay, so I'll go," she said.

"Me too!" Catnip and I said at the same time. The sisters glanced at each other, then nodded reluctantly.

"Okay well, I'll lead the way," Yato said and started walking through the forest.

After a while,we came to the town square with the mango tree. Yato led us to a restaurant, a sign with the word Karashi written on it hung on the wall. Kimiko glanced at me, and we burst in a giggle fit, Catnip grinned, and Nicolette scowled.

"We'll have to go in through the back door," Yato said and led us to an alley. There was a door there and he opened it without hesitation. "Hey!" he nearly shouted, and a guy with blonde hair looked up from a newspaper.

"Yato! What's-" the guy noticed us and his expression changed. He got up, walked towards the group, and stopped a few feet away. "Yato, I would be angry at you for bringing people here after hours, but... I won't complain about these beautiful ladies!!" he said, kneeling down. I giggled yet again, and Nicolette looked disgusted.

"Ah, Sanji..." said Yato, patting his friends's back.

"Hey, wait, you're the guy who cooks here?" I asked.

"Yeah," Sanji answered.

"Oh my God!" I shrieked. "HOW CAN YOUR FOOD BE SO FREAKING GOOD?!"

Sanji looked proud but hesitant. "Ah, well..."

"Don't worry, dude. They're like us," Yato told him.

"Oh really? Okay, then. I get my good cooking skills from the Food Cursed Fruit. I ate it and it gave me the ability conjure up food." I was practically drooling.

"Holy..." Then a grin spread across my face. "We're complete strangers... I could easily report you." And evil glint crossed my eyes. "If you cook for me, I won't tell about your powers, but if you don't..."

Sanji looked positively terrified. "A-ah, o-o-okay," he stuttered. I smiled, pleased, and said "Good." Kimiko rolled her eyes. She started conversing with Yato, while I pestered Sanji to cook for me, and Catnip was looking around the kitchen for booze. The sisters hung back, and observed the others.

After a while, they joined in the conversation, there was a happy mood huddled above all of us in the kitchen of the Karashi, and before anyone knew it, the first rays of the next morning shone above the rooftops of the town.

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