5 | ..Paper Planes?

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     Marik stared at Ryou in disbelief. Not in the same horrified disbelief manner that Bakura gave, but in disbelief. "My brother?" He questioned. All Ryou could do was nod, and even though what he was doing was morally right he felt so wrong. Bakura noticing this, he began to speak for his poor brother. "Yes, he loves Marikuu." Marik layed back in his chair, scratching at the back of his neck. What was he supposed to say? 'Congrats, you're in love with my younger brother who plans to kill all of humanity'? Ryou inhaled. "And, we've started to hang out as of late. We went to get lunch, and we went to a bookstore yesterday." Ryou couldn't help but smile again about the small white kitty toy that actually now rested on the bookshelf in his room. "You bloody what?" Bakura practically yelled. Ryou closed his eyes tightly, wishing he never even existed. "You're just waiting for the chance for that little wanker to pounce on you aren't you?" Marik reached his hand across the table to Bakura's. Bakura looked back to his lover, sighed, and simply nodded. "Continue?" Marik asked.
     Ryou hesitated. He let out a shaky breath, and continued. "We've only known each other for such a short amount of time, and yet, I crave to hold his hands so bad. I crave to be the one person he'll text at 3 in the morning knowing I'll listen to what he has to say." Bakura snickered, and Marik slapped his hand. He nodded for Ryou to continue. "He just seems so mean, but if you talk to him instead of running, he's nothing but a edgy teenager." Ryou finished, and looked down, refusing eye contact. Marik made a soft hum, and looked to his side, pondering. He looked back to Ryou, even if he wouldn't look back. "I don't have anything that I can remember hating Marikuu for. All Marikuu ever does is hide away in his room unless going out, but even then no one talks to him. The last time he talked to any of us was when he argued with Father and almost got kicked out, and I'd rather not remember that." Marik gave a soft and small smile that Ryou could notice. "If you're talking to him more than us, than you must know what you're doing. He hasn't killed you, so that's a good sign already." Ryou couldn't tell if the last fragment was a joke, or a genuine comment.
     "Now, don't take that for granted." Ryou looked up this time. "There's no way that there isn't a possibility that he'll try and hurt you, but that's something Bakura can make sure won't happen. Please, be careful with what you say. It doesn't matter how close you think you both are, Marikuu doesn't hesitate for anything." Ryou gulped nervously. Marik sighed before talking again. "But, nonetheless, I support you. Well, I have to, just look at how I dress!" The blonde exclaimed. Bakura smirked, looking at Marik's dress a little too much. Marik turned red and quickly threw on his Brittany Spears over shirt. As Bakura frowned and slumped in his seat, Ryou laughed softly. 


     Ryou hated this class. All it spoke of was things he could never understand. Sure, he knew how to do it, but why? Wasn't math just bloody numbers? Where did the alphabet come from? Ryou quietly sighed, and slumped in his chair. He looked down to his notes, along with some little doodles of ghosts. His eyes shifted farther down the page to see his faint and unfinished sketch of Marikuu's face from memory. He gave a small smile, and began to continue the sketch quietly knowing the teacher wasn't looking. Ryou already went through the embarrassment and nausea of telling Marik and Bakura his homosexual secret, he didn't need a bunch of people he didn't know knowing too. Most people already didn't like him, especially other boys. Other boys looked at him as scrawny and girly, scolding him consistently for it. Actually, it was mostly Marikuu's 'friends' that'd do it, but as of late, they wouldn't bully him. It was always the same statement: "You'll never be a man if all you do is comb your white long hair and read books. You'll just live to be a gross girly boy, and no one likes those." Ryou didn't care if people liked him. Sure, it'd be nice to have friends, but he didn't mind. 

Besides, Marikuu likes me.

     That thought made Ryou's brown eyes widen. He shook his head, and softly cursed himself, continuing to sketch. Don't think that way. You'll scare him off before he gets to scare you. Ryou gave the final touches to his eyes, and finally put down his pencil to look back at the board. He started to hear rustling from the back of the classroom, and looked behind him. Two boys he didn't recognize started throwing things at each other. Ryou was puzzled, until he looked more closely. "Paper planes.." he whispered to himself. He looked back at the board, but his daydreams and pondering had more plans.


     Marikuu threw his bag against his bedroom wall, and threw himself onto his bed. He was exhausted, and could nap at any moment. "Fuck it." he muttered. He rolled himself to the side just where he liked, and closed his eyes. He didn't care about his uniform, hair, or even homework. He just wanted sleep. All was peaceful until--

Knock knock.

     Marikuu growled slightly, and got himself up. He unlocked the door knob and opened it slightly. He couldn't tell who it was, until they spoke. "Hey, me and Bakura stayed at the building for a little longer, and I noticed there was some weird paper plane by your locker. I figured maybe it was intentional, so I grabbed it and I'm giving it to you." Marikuu grabbed it, and closed the door. "Next time, just slide it under." He grumbled. Marik began to walk off, with what seemed to be a sigh heard. Marikuu laid on his bed once more, and observed the paper plane more closely. He unfolded and opened it up. Nothing. Nothing but large lines. Marikuu rolled his eyes, threw the now unfolded plane onto his desk, and shuffled back into his sleeping cocoon.
"A useless waste of my time." he mumbled.

But, maybe, that wouldn't be how he thought of these paper air crafts much longer.


I know I know.. kind of a filler chapter.. but cmon! It's 1 in the morning on a Sunday and I haven't even unpacked from this weekend. Give me a break!!
This chapter was hard, more difficult to thicken the plot actually. I think the only reason it seems so short and plain is because Ryou and Marikuu didn't hang out in this one.. nonetheless, I hope it was kinda fun to read.
I hope you enjoyed!

(1152 words)

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